Four inches is not a lot of snow :)

Hi everyone!!!

I hope you all had a very happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday night was transfer calls and our traditional mega bed in the living room! (We did it for both of our transfer calls). We knew that one of us was going to get transferred, and we were both convinced that it was me. We thought I was going to Dearborn haha.... while waiting for the call we had our Christmas "party"-- we baked up those super crappy frozen sugar cookies that Grandma Sed used to make for us (the ones with the picture on them) haha! And took some fun pictures :) 

Elder Manion did the conference call at 10:30pm....and most of our district changed! We had a total of 4 missionaries leave. And that included Sister Burt!! :( saddddddd dayyyyyyyyy. They also told us that we needed a member to drive us to transfers which meant that at that point, neither of us were going to train.... I was relieved lol! On Wednesday before transfers, President does leadership calls. If you are training, your DL will tell you to drive yourselves to transfers.... so we thought I was safe because they said to get a member.

I was convinced that President was gonna call and ask sister Burt to be an STL {Sister Training Leader} and then he called and he didn't want to talk to sister Burt.... he wanted to talk to me! and he asked me to train! Of course I told him I would, but I wasn't expecting it at all! hahaha I've only been out 3 1/2 months?! 

The next morning we drove up to Southfield for transfers. I went into the trainer meeting. We got instruction from the AP's and then President came in with the lil greenies! :)

My lil greenie is named Sister Soderborg. She is from Virginia and she's 21! She's already been to 3 years of college. She wants to be an illustrator. She is a super sweet girl and completely opposite of me in the fact that she is very shy and timid. She gets very scared to talk, but it's been improving little by little and she's doing great! I'm excited to learn from her and to watch her grow over these next 11 weeks! She has a strong testimony and wants to be obedient... I'm grateful for that haha! 

Being a trainer is like a crap ton of pressure. Her attitude and actions for the rest of her mission falls onto everything I teach her and what she watches me do. It's already been a good learning experience and I've learned just how important it is to rely on the Lord in ALL things.... I could never do this on my own! As long as I do my best to follow the Spirit, be obedient, and have charity for her and the people, I have faith that she will learn what she needs to and so will I.

Our people are doing so great!!! We have 3 baptisms coming up in December and I'm stoked. We have truly been blessed!!

L is doing really well and absolutely loves church. She has started doing radiation treatment every day, and will continue for the rest of December... It makes her tired but she has so much faith that she continues to read, and continues to learn. I love her so much! I've said this before, but it's still true. This lady handles her trials the way that Heavenly Father wants us to handle trials.

J and F are also doing great!! We had the best lesson with them on Friday night!! The language barrier is still there but I've been blessed to be able to truly connect with them. I love them both! In the lesson, they just LIT up! They were both expressing how much they felt the Spirit and how they feel it every time we come over and every time they read. I pointed out that once they are baptized and confirmed they get the spirit as their constant companion and they got even more excited! The one hurdle for them is that it's hard for them to come to church because of their work schedule and culture. Please pray that their boss will let them have the next 3 Sundays off so that they can make it to church enough times for their baptism!!

And... funny story; we were talkin to a guy last night who was buying a bunch of extra gas hahaha. He said there was a "big snow storm coming" I asked how much was anticipated and he said "4 inches with possible blizzard conditions" hahaha. People are funny. I'm glad I'm from Utah and know that 4 inches is not a lot of snow ;).

I was reading this week in Helaman. I came across one of my most favorite verses ever. Heleman 5:12 It says; "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall".
I love this verse because it teaches us exactly how to be successful in this life. All we have to do is build our foundation on Christ. If we make sure each day to read the Book of Mormon, to say our prayers, and to keep the commandments... Satan will have no power over us. How comforting is that!

Thank you all once again for the love and support you send my way! Just know, I'm sending the same right back to you!

Have an amazing week!!

Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 
