There is never a point of no return

Read to the bottom to find out the funny story behind "Here comes Santa." 

Hello everyone!!

To be honest, this week was very long. I experienced SO many different things and I can't believe that it only took 7 days haha.

On Monday we had a normal p-day. We went to downtown Ann Arbor and went sticker hunting :) Sticker hunting is a pretty big thing for the missionaries in my mission because there are stickers literally everywhere... I have some pretty sweet ones to show you one day haha.

We experienced a HUGE miracle this week. I'm not kidding when I say that it will probably end up being one of the biggest miracles of my entire mission. I'm not going to go into much detail as to what happened. This is one of those experiences you don't tell until you get home. But, it was a very humbling experience. We got to witness the spirit change somebody's heart in a matter of MINUTES. Seriously, this person went from saying the words "take back your book of Mormon!" to saying "thank you for changing my life. I know that God works through you". There was nothing else like it and I will be eternally grateful for the experience.

The most happy day this week was obviously Saturday! N GOT BAPTIZED!!!! holy cow it was amazing. The spirit of a baptism is so pure and so strong. N was so happy. He shared his testimony at the end and I have to say, I know without a doubt that this guy is converted to the Lord.
Also, his roommate R came!!!! And then also came to church on Sunday!!!!!!!!! That is such a miracle!
We are still working with L! She is doing fantastic. :) she is reading from the Book of Mormon and downloaded Gospel library onto her phone so that she could read conference talks. She is one of my very favorite people, just because of who she is, what she's been through and how she handles it!

We got a new friend!! Her name is A and she is on date for December 15th!!! She was one of our referrals and she is so awesome! I love her. She is reading the Book of Mormon and prays everyday. She has family in Mexico who are members and she has two cousins that we are going to begin teaching this week! The one challenge is that she speaks Spanish. We have been teaching her through the translation of members and it's really making me wish I would have paid better attention in high school ;) haha. Speaking different languages doesn't stop the spirit, though. I have loved listening to her pray. I can't understand a single word she says, but I am always touched by the spirit of it. I am so grateful for the power of the Holy Ghost.

I've been reading in Alma this week and I came across a verse that I really liked. It's from Chapter 26 and it's verse 3. Part of it says; "Behold, I answer for you; for our brethren, the Lamanites, were in darkness, yea, even in the darkest abyss, but behold, how many of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of God".
I love this. It reminds me of Christ's light. It doesn't matter if we feel that we have been sitting in the "darkest abyss" Christ's light can STILL reach us, He STILL loves us, and we can ALWAYS turn to him.
Like the apostles have said--there is never a "point of no return" in terms of repentance and forgiveness. We always have the option to turn back, course correct, whatever!

The other verse of scripture that I want to share comes from D&C 50:41 it says; "Fear not, little children, for you are mine, and I have overcome the world, and you are of them that my Father hath given me".
I can promise you that, YOU ARE HIS!! The Savior is someone that we can trust. Turn unto him always, and strive to yoke yourself with him. Meaning, align your will with His. This is something that I have been working on. It's not easy and I'm far from where I want to be, but what I've learned is that life is easier when you go through it with the Savior. That doesn't mean that your trials and hardships will go away, but it does mean that you won't be alone and that the burden will be made lighter. I can testify that I know the atonement is real. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and redeemer. It's through Him that we can return to our Heavenly Father one day.

I hope you all have an amazing week!!

Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 

Mom's Note: The funniest thing about the bottom picture is the "Here Comes Santa." Why? Because Sister Sedlacek HATED Santa until she was about 5 years old! She was terrified of him. If we tried to get her to be good by saying, "Santa Claus is coming!" She would respond by yelling, "I don't want him to come! I hate him! He's creepy!!" LOL!  
