Once There Was a Snowman

Hello everyone! 

I am doing so good. This week was SO happy and we saw some amazing miracles.

I'll give you an update on T. She's doing AMAZING. She is still working towards baptism. She's reading every day and is gaining a testimony. We've had a lot of really wonderful lessons with her this week!!

We also had a cool miracle on Friday. We were out knocking doors. It had been going well. We got let inside and we got in contact with a former investigator. We finished a row of doors and I felt the sudden need to pray. We stopped right then and said a prayer. I asked Heavenly Father to show us where we needed to be. I then knew EXACTLY where we needed to go. We followed that prompting and met a man named S who is from India. One week ago, he found information about the Book of Mormon online. He had been thinking a lot about it when we knocked on his door. He was SO happy to see us and to recieve a free copy of the Book of Mormon. We taught him on Saturday and he came to church with us on Sunday. As church was ending, we asked how he liked it. He said: "I didn't understrand all the words, but I understood the spirit". It was so cool!! I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost. This is truly the work of the Lord and I'm grateful to have a front row seat.

We also had new missionary training for Sister Pulley. It was really good. At this point, I have that meeting memorized but I'm still gonna miss it haha. It's a good little meeting.

I'm super busy today so I don't have a lot of time to send in a spiritual thought. But just remember this:
The Book is blue and the church is true. Heavenly Father loves you!  :) 

Sister Sarah Sedlacek
