What lack I yet?

Email from January 27, 2020

Hello family and friends!!

I hope you are doing fabulous.

I had a week full of learning and it was much needed! The work has been slow and I don't think it's fair to always blame that on the agency of others. Because I also know there will always be something I can be better at. I've been asking the question "what lack I yet" and let me tell you, Heavenly Father's been answering haha. This week has been humbling and I've learned so much!! I have a strong testimony that Heavenly Father only acts out of love. Even when he's telling you how to improve he's doing it because he LOVES you. As we strive to act on the promptings we receive and repent daily, miracles come. This week was a testament to that.

I'll tell you about a miracle! We spent Saturday afternoon tracting. The 3rd door we knocked was opened by a man named J-G. He is an evangelist preacher from Africa. We testified of the truth of the Book of Mormon and he and his wife let us in. We had the COOLEST conversation. I love them so much!! They were confused about the Book of Mormon and what it actually is. We were able to clear up their misconceptions and they asked us to come back! We are going back again this week.

I had my last official interview with President Sorensen. It's so hard to believe!! I am so grateful the Sorensens came to the MDM. Having two mission Presidents has been a great experience for me. I've learned so much from them. Both presidents have changed my life. I will always look to them and their wives as my role models. I love them SO much.

We are also doing some returning member work! We have a bunch of appointments set up with the inactive members of the ward. I'm really excited for those!!

This week I was reading in Mormon 9 and came across a verse I want to share.

It's verse 25 and it says: "And whosoever shall believe in my name, doubting nothing, unto him will I confirm all my words, even unto the ends of the earth."
I testify that's true!! If you are struggling with your testimony or receiving answers to your prayers, just keep hanging in there. Keep doing the simple things and keep believing. In his time he will confirm ALL his words to you. This church is true and the Savior lives. There is nothing I love more than sharing this message with the wonderful people of Michgan and Ohio. 💕

I love you all!! Thank you for the support and have a fantastic week!!

Let me know if there's anything I can do for you :)

Sister Sedlacek 
