Training times 7

Email from January 20, 2020

Hey guys!!

I hope you are enjoying the snow!! :)

I am doing fantastic!! As you know, transfers happened! Sister Jensen left
😭😭😭 it was so sad. We had so much fun and we worked so hard. She's on her way to Bowling Green (my old area!) I'm excited for her.

As for me, I STAYED whoop whoop!!! I LOVE THIS AREA SO MUCH. I obviously have a new companion and I'm TRAINING FOR THE 7TH TIME. her name is Sister Pulley. She's a super nice girl and she's learning the doctrine super quick. I'm excited to learn from her!!

With only 6 weeks left I'm taking advantage of every moment!! I know that it's gonna so, so fast.

I've had so much in our finding this week!
Over the past two days we've found 10 new contacts. Its been a little slow as we've been rebuilding our teaching pool, but things are finally starting to happen!

Here's a little update on some recent converts. L, T, and V each went to the temple on Saturday! We weren't able to attend with them, but they all had a wonderful experience. T and V received callings on Sunday and are really progressing in the gospel. Their faith and testimonies inspire me to become better! I am grateful to know them.

We are still working with our friend J. He hasn't come to church yet due to the bad weather, but he's been reading and praying. In the short time I've known him, I'm already seeing changes in him! He's starting to open up to us and he really understands the doctrine. I'm excited to keep working with him.

Like I said, we've found a few new contacts over the past couple days. We have a bunch of first lessons scheduled for this week. Please pray that they will go as planned. Pray that we will be guided to those who've been prepared. The work tends to take a little nose dive when it gets cold, but we won't let it get us down. As we work smart and hard the miracles will come. We are excited to see them!

I've been studying a lot about the restoration and it's been wonderful! This week I've thought a lot about the great apostasy. I want to say that I am grateful for it. I am grateful for men like Martin Luther and other Reformers. The season of great apostasy prepared the world for a restoration of the truth. 2 Nephi 2:24 says; "But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things."
I love that verse! Heavenly Fathers plan is PERFECT. Nothing can stop his work from moving forward. He is involved in the details and he knows how to help us.
I have a testimony of the restoration. Joseph Smith was called of God. I testify that God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him. The first word they said was "Joseph". Heavenly Father knows us as individuals. He knows your name and he loves you! The priesthood authority was restored to Joseph Smith by John the Baptist. He was able to use the authority to restore the church. 

This is truly the Lord's kingdom upon the earth. I know it! I invite you to follow the prophet's counsel. Study the first vision. Study the Book of Mormon. Keep your testimony current and General Conference will be a wonderful experience. It's getting closer everyday and I can't wait!

Have a wonderful week.
Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek
