The thought of going home brings so many emotions--but the greatest one is gratitude

Thought it would be fun to compare Sister Sedlacek at the start of her mission, and at the end. 

Hey everyone!

I hope you had a fantastic week.

My week was amazing!! I wish I had the time to write all about it, but I guess you'll have to wait and hear about it in person ;)

I seriously can't believe the time has come. It's my last p-day. The thought of going home brings so many emotions, but the greatest one I feel is gratitude. I am so grateful for the past 18 months. It's impossible for me to convey the way I feel about my mission and the people I've met here. The individuals in Michigan and Ohio have stolen my heart!! I have such a love for them. They have taught me some of the most amazing things. They have shown me what faith looks like and from them I've learned how to follow the Savior. 

And oh how I love my Savior. He has transformed every part of my life. Because of Him I've learned how to love, repent, study, work, forgive and be forgiven, etc. 

I know He lives and I know he loves us. I've witnessed countless miracles in my life and in the lives of others. He wants nothing more than to help you. His purpose is to help you experience joy and exaltation. 

It's been a blessing and a privilege to wear his name on my chest everyday. My mission hasn't been easy, but it's been full of joy. I am not a perfect missionary, but I don't have any regrets. D&C 4:4 says: For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in HIS sickle with HIS might, the same layeth up in store that HE perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to HIS soul"
I love that scripture!! Over the last 18 months, Christ has brought salvation to my soul. I've been blessed to see many enter the waters of baptism, but I'm the biggest convert out of any of those. I think that's the biggest blessing of all. 

The gospel is true. It's become the biggest part of my life.

Heavenly Father loves you more than you'll ever know!!

Thank you for the love and support!! I've said it before, but I've truly been blessed with the best.

I love you all and I'll see you soon!


Sister Sarah Sedlacek

P.S. D&C 52:8-9.. proof that the MDM really is the best mission in the world ❤❤❤ 
