Choosing Christ is the most important decision you will ever make.

Hello everyone,

Happy February!
💟 I hope you are staying safe in all the snow!

I am doing great!! We had a fabulous week. It was one of those weeks where everything fell into place. We saw lots of miracles and my testimony of the Savior's power grew stronger.

I wish I could share every detail, but nobody has time for that. Here are a few highlights :)

We had zone conference! It was my last one and it was easily one of my favorites. The spirit was so strong and tangible. I was reminded of so many things I've learned throughout my mission and my testimony grew a lot! I also had the chance to share my departing testimony. It was bittersweet. I thought back to my very first zone conference... I remember listening to the departing missionaries like a deer in the headlights hahaha. I never thought I'd make it to where they were. Now that I'm here, it's crazy how fast the time has gone. I love this mission with my whole heart and soul. I'm a little biased, but it's definitely the best mission in the world. #MDMforever

We are teaching this dude named D. He's a referral from the zone leaders. The elders invited us to their lesson last night... We taught him all together so he could get to know us. This kid has been so prepared by the Lord!! He is trying so hard to do what's right. After getting to know him, we read from the introduction. He really likes the Book of Mormon and is praying to know if it's true. We are looking forward to seeing how he progresses. He is ready and willing to change his life.

Here's the biggest miracle of the week... My favorite thing happened on Friday night. It was the last day of the month and we didn't have anyone on date for baptism... We went into the day with a lot of faith. We knew that a miracle was going to come our way. When 6 o'clock rolled around, we still hadn't found anyone too solid. We took one lap around campus and it was pretty much dead so we decided to knock doors. On the way to the complex, I received a prompting to go somewhere very specific. We went to the door, and  the lady answered on the second knock. When she saw it was us, she welcomed us right in! We spent the first little bit just getting to know her. She is so amazing!! The elders previously taught her the restoration and she remembered everything from it. She understands the priesthood authority and she knows that its found in our church. She's also been reading the Book of Mormon ON HER OWN for the past few weeks. After talking for a bit, she asked about baptism. Long story short, she basically asked us to baptize her! She's planning for March 14th and she's so excited. We've had daily contact and she's accepted all the doctrine so far. I am so excited for her!!!

There is no better time to be a missionary. This is truly the Lord's work and I am grateful for the opportunity to be apart of it. I love serving my Savior more than words can say. The people of Michigan and Ohio have stolen my heart....I think I might just come home without it! ;)

I finished the Book of Mormon, so this week I've been reading in 1 Nephi. Oh how I love 1st Nephi!! It is just so good. In chapter 17 verse 3 says: "And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness." 

In that verse there are 3 words that stick out to me; nourish, strengthen, and provide. I love those words. During my studies, I pondered on each one. I thought about how the Savior has nourished me, how he has strengthened me, and how he has provided for my needs. It was humbling!! Every good thing that I have in my life has come because of the Savior and his gospel. Heavenly Father gave us Jesus Christ because he wants us to succeed. Choose each day to rely on Christ!! Let him nourish you. Let him strengthen you. Let him provide for you. Choosing Christ is the most important choice you will ever make.
I know he lives, I know he loves us, and I know that his gospel is true.

I love you all!!

Sister Sedlacek
