"Don't measure your life by time, but measure your time by experiences."

Hello friends and family!!

I hope you are doing well :)

I'm doing great and I just love being a missionary!!

Our friend T is still moving towards baptism in March. This week we began teaching the commandments. On Saturday we taught the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom. The spirit was strong as we taught the doctrine. At the end of the lesson she said "I know that both of these commandments come from God" and then she committed to live them! She has some things to overcome, but I'm impressed by her faith in the Savior. Her desire to change is sincere and she's willing to do whatever it takes. She's teaching me a lot about trusting the Lord. I'm grateful for her!!

On Tuesday we had exchanges. I got the chance to work with Sister Georgeson and Sister Corrington on the U of M campus. It was such a fun day. I learned a lot from both of them!! The best part was watching the movie "17 Miracles" at the end. If you haven't seen that movie in awhile I suggest watching it again. It brought a very strong spirit into my heart! Heavenly Father definitely watches over all of his children.

On Sunday we only had 30 minutes of finding time. We decided to spend it knocking on doors. The 5th door was opened by a dude named R. After we testified of eternal families and the Plan of Salvation, he expressed an interest in learning more. So, we are going back tomorrow afternoon to teach him and his family. I have a testimony of diligence. As we do our best, the Lord will always provide a way for his work/will to move forward.

There are two things I learned this week that I'd like to share.

1. This first one is a quote from one of my past companions: "don't measure your mission (or life) by time, but measure your time by experiences"
I love that!! Focus on having experiences everyday. As you take advantage of every opportunity, you'll get more out of each day! Today begins my last full week of full time missionary service. This is definitely something I'm going to focus on! I intend to make the most out of every last moment :)

2. I've been studying in Mosiah. Here's a verse you may be familiar with.... "And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."
I know that verse is true. The commandments teach us how to live like God, how to think like God, and how to love like God. Keeping them brings joy because you are choosing to let Him bless you!!

I want to thank you for the love and support. I've been blessed with the best family and friends! I'll send one last email next Monday and then I'll be back home! Crazy times. Please continue to pray that the work will keep moving forward. The wonderful people of Michigan and Ohio deserve to have the gospel.

I love you all!! Have a fabulous week!

Sister Sedlacek
