Satan only has as much power over you as you give him

Hello everyone!

Happy September!! I can't believe that fall is already on the way here. Time moves so quick.

I had another awesome week! I hope you did too:)

G is doing great! There was one day this week where we were teaching him outside on campus. The lesson was going very well. We were in the middle of explaining the difference between salvation and exaltation when this dude walked up. He handed G a slip of paper with an anti website written on it. He told G to look up the "very important" website. G then came in clutch! He crumpled up the piece of paper, chewed it up, and then threw it behind him. There also may have been a swear word or two haha. It was an awesome thing to witness!! G is doing great and loves church. He gets a lot out of the Book of Mormon each day that he reads. Please pray that his parents will be understanding of his decision to be baptized!

We also have D. She is doing well and has the desire to be baptized but her husband isn't being very supportive and it's starting to weigh on her. Please pray for her and M!

We were also teaching someone else, but it ended pretty quickly when he asked me to be his girlfriend
😵😣😝😮  Well that was awkward.... oh the joys of serving on campus hahaha.

We had interviews with President Sorensen. They were awesome!! I received some great council from president Sorensen and the assistants.

This week I was thinking more about obedience because it was the Christlike attribute for August.
We make the gospel a lot harder than it needs to be. We think of the commandments as this long list of things we have to do. We also think a lot about "Heavenly Fathers will" and often question our ability to follow it. What I've learned is that when you live the commandments, you are living Heavenly Fathers will. Focus on him, and everything else will fall into place. 

It reminds me of what it says In 3rd Nephi chapter 13. Verses 31-33 say: "Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? Or, what shall we drink? Or, wherewithal shall we be clothed?
For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
But seek ye first the kingdom of righteousness, and all these things shall be added into you".
You can always trust in Heavenly Father!!

And just a quick reminder... Satan only has as much power over you as you give to him. Your spirit can be much stronger than the natural man inside of you. Heed the promptings of the spirit when you get tempted. We won't be perfect, but Heavenly Father will always help you do better :)

Thank you for the prayers and support!

I love you all!!

Sister Sedlacek
