Transferred to Ypsi!

Hello everyone!!

I hope you had a great week :)

My week was seriously amazing.

I was in Bowling Green 'til Wednesday. We saw some amazing miracles those last couple days.
We had a great lesson with our friend M. He started the lesson feeling really confused about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. He asked us to share our conversion stories. The spirit was strong!!! At that point we threw our lesson plan out the window. After sharing testimony, I felt prompted to show him the clip of the first vision from the 20 minute restoration movie. It was so cool!!! After it finished, he mentioned how he was feeling. We read a chapter in the Book Of Mormon and then we knelt and prayed. We asked if the Book Of Mormon is true. It was such a wonderful moment!!! He is now making incredible progress. We gave him a church tour and he loved that as well. I'm excited for the sisters who get to work with him.

Wednesday was an awesome day as well. It was my last day in the Perrysburg district and we had a super awesome district council. After the meeting we spent the day saying goodbye. Man oh man. Saying goodbye is always way harder than I expect it to be. I am super grateful for the last 3 transfers I spent in Bowling Green. I can't imagine my life without the people I've met. I learned so much from each member and missionary I got to serve.

Thursday was transfers and my new comp is Sister Cook. She is from Cache Valley and I LOVE her!!! I am finishing up her training #babynumber5 and it's going to be such a fun transfer. She is a super hard worker and fun fact... She has a black belt. Hahaha I feel pretty safe now ;) I am so excited to be serving on EMU campus. We also get to spend a little time on the U of M campus, so I'm right back in Ann Arbor!!!!! It's been so fun and it seriously feels like home.

We are teaching a few people and they are all AWESOME!!!

One is named L. He's from China and doesn't have any religious background. Teaching him has been super cool. He is so open and has such a sincere heart. He is on date for September 28th and is progressing right along. He is keeping all his commitments and loves coming to church. We took him to a baptism on Saturday and he loved it. It made him really excited for his own.

Church on Sunday was basically the best thing ever. The YSA ward meets in the same building as the AA 1st ward and it was such a sweet reunion! I got to see all my favorite members and recent converts :') tears may or may not have been shed on both parts haha. I love Ann Arbor with my whole heart.

Since we have split p-day, we worked all morning. We found 2 new solid people to teach and a couple of great potentials. I will talk all about them next week!

For my spiritual thought today I want to share a scripture from the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 7:7 says: "For the Lord God will help me, therefore shall I not be confounded. Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed."

I love that verse and have such a strong testimony of it. I have seen that over and over again on my mission. Heavenly Father wants us to succeed!! Trust in the help that he gives you. Don't be afraid to let his light shine through you. You will never regret it.

I love you all!!

Sister Sedlacek
