Happy is something we defintely have to choose to be. As we do, it won't matter the circumstance.

Hey guys!!

Happy finals!! Happy Christmas break!! Happy Monday!! :)

This week was a good one for me! We did some fun things!

Due to finals, we've really struggled in the finding department. Nobody wants to talk to us, and everyone is leaving for home. Our area is closing this week, so Pres gave us permission to work some of the District Leader's area. That should be fun. Ypsi is a cool little place haha.

I'll talk about a couple of the unique experiences we got to have this week.

On Tuesday we had the chance to participate in #LightTheWorld. The mission paid for us to set up a table inside the student center at EMU. The members helped us out and it was really fun! We wanted it to be an interactive experience, and we were successful. We had the students fill out religious surveys, we gave out 150+ cookies, and had a lot of great conversations with the students! We ended the day with 8 new contacts (for this area of the world, that's a lot!).

On Saturday we also had the opportunity to go caroling in a retirement home with the ward members. It was such a fun time! We sang the hymns out of the hymn book, and the spirit was strong. I am so grateful for hymns and the ability we have to worship through song. It brings the spirit in a way that words can't.

I've felt very blessed this week! The spirit of Christmas seemed to hit Michigan like a truck this week haha. We've seen so many little miracles. Heavenly Father is showing his hand in new ways, and I'm grateful for his help and love. Nothing would be possible without him. He really does care for each of his children :')

For my spiritual thought I'd like to invite you to read 1 Peter 3. It's a really short chapter and I came across it at "random" a couple of days ago.
Here's a few verses that I really liked:
"For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.
And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?
But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, HAPPY are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled"

I love those so much!! I have gained a testimony of them on my mission. Life is hard, because it's meant to be. Nobody goes without suffering. But guess what? Heavenly Father understands that perfectly!! As missionaries we suffer a lot for righteousness' sake. It's never fun, but I've seen this promise fulfilled.
Happy is definitely something we have to choose to be. As we do, it won't matter the circumstance. We can feel happiness because of the Savior. 

Choose to be happy through your suffering. Even if the suffering is caused by the actions of others. He understands and is ready to help you.

Have a fabulous week!

Love you all so much!

Sister Sedlacek
