Day Three in the MTC

Welcome! This is the place where you can keep up with Sister Sedlacek in Detroit!

We dropped her off at the MTC on Wednesday, August 8th. She'll be staying in the Missionary Training Center until the end of the month. Here's her first email, dated Friday the 10th:

Hey Mom and Dad!! 

Let me just start by saying.... I LOVE THE MTC AND I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!! 

Since I've only been here for a couple of days I'll start by talking about what happened right after we said goodbye. My host took my luggage and we went up the parking garage stairs. At the top of the stairs, you reach one of the outside study areas. I had regained my composure and was feeling surprisingly happy. I looked up from my luggage and I saw Sister Hale {a good friend from our neighborhood}!! It was a huge tender mercy and I immediately started crying again hahaha. She gave me a big hug and we took a picture (it's on her camera so I don't have it yet). It was so awesome to see a familiar face!!  After that, I got my mission tag, put my bags away, and went straight to my first class. 

My companion's name is Sister Ayala. She is one of the sisters I met on Instagram. I LOVE HER!! 

She is seriously the sweetest sister. I have learned so much from her so far!! I also LOVE MY DISTRICT. There are 6 companionships and everyone is awesome. The Elders are hilarious and so are the sisters. It's only been a couple of days, but we have already gotten so close! they have the strongest testimonies and will all be amazing missionaries. The Elders are all serving in India and the sisters are going to Philly.  

We have attended lots and lots of classes. I have learned way more in two days than I ever have before. It's crazy and I love it. Yesterday we talked a lot about the doctrine of Christ. The doctrine of Christ is the process of conversion and the center of our missionary purpose; "we invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end".  Those 5 things are the steps to real discipleship and true conversion. They are the things that bind our hearts to Jesus Christ. They help us align our will with his. If we are seeking to return to our Heavenly Father, the only way we can get back to him is through living the doctrine of Christ and doing it daily! Conversion is a life long process of doing and becoming. It is not a one and done type of thing.

Rely on the Savior and the Holy Ghost. Pray and ask them for inspiration on how to become better. I promise that they will help you!! 

To answer your question, I have seen Elder Liljenquist. He seems to be doing great! I have seen my friend sister Sarah Campbell and it's been so fun to talk with her!! I have also seen Elder Peterson... I didn't get to talk to him but he looked happy to be here! 

There is nothing I would rather be doing and there is no where I'd rather be. I am so happy!!!! The Lord's work is the most important work and I am so humbled to be part of it! 

Pictures will be coming soon!! 

Love you! 

Sister Sedlacek 
