"Next time I email, I'll be somewhere in Michigan!"

What's up fam bam!
Thank you for the package!! I freaked out when I saw the wheat thins hahaha. Those things are so dang good! Thank you so much for sending the mints, makeup wipes, and everything else! I loved it!

I'm so glad that we didn't get any flooding!! I hope all the neighbors were able to clean up okay!

HF knows and loves us. He listens to every prayer we say... if it's important to us it's important to him!

I had another great week!! I'm stoked cuz we are leaving the MTC on Wednesday morning!  I get to call you from the airport! 

Also Dad, thank you for telling me to think of the MTC as my first area. I have had so much fun here! But to be completely honest, I have been ready to leave for the past two weeks (as you guessed) hahaha. Your advice has helped a ton! I can honestly say that I'm so grateful for my experience here. I have learned a ton. I also loved the quotes you shared from President Nelson! His words fill me with such hope! He is a prophet called of God!

On Friday after emailing, We went to the temple. It was super cool!

On Saturday we contacted this week's gospel friend! Her name is C. She's a newlywed who just moved here from Indiana. She's familar with the B.O.M and has a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. She came to the MTC with questions concerning prophets.... we taught her for the first time on Monday (story coming later). Also on Saturday, I met a teacher who knows Jake! In case you didn't hear, we took a picture and he sent it to Jake.

On Sunday, Sister Ayala and I taught the lesson in Relief Society. We taught about the creation. We talked about how everything we have is because of Heavenly Father. He desires for us to have joy. We played a video called; "Earthly father Heavenly father". I would encourage you to watch and think about the relationship between you and your heavenly father and all that he has done for YOU! Also, if you feel like you don't know you're a child of God or you just need a reminder, pray and ask him. I promise you that he'll answer:) In sacrament meeting, I got picked Hunger Games style to give a talk on baptism.... i didn't have anything prepared (minus a quote) and it was quite nerve wracking haha. I just went in trusting that the spirit would help me.... I don't remember anything I said but, I've been told it was good. I'm so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost!!!!

We taught C for the first time on Monday!! It was great. We went in and she was like; "I've decided to go to church this Sunday!" What a great thing to hear before you even start teaching! We taught the first lesson and it went well. We left with her really excited to read and pray:) 

Another set of sisters in my district had been struggling. They have both dealt with depression and anxiety... and I haven't dealt with either of those things so I felt really lost at how to help them. My comp and I said a prayer and that started a really special experience. I was blessed to feel a glimpse of the love that the Savior has for them. I gained an understanding of what true empathy is. I'm grateful that the Lord trusted me to trust him in being able to help them! Right after, we went to class and had one of the most amazing lessons I've ever been part of. We have been studying in Alma chapters 17 and 26. I would encourage you all to read them. They are crap full of gooood stuff. If you do read them, let me know what your insights are! I would love to compare:)

Tuesday night devotional was amazing. I got to sing in the choir for Elder Christofferson! That man is called of God. I know it without a doubt in my mind. He talked all about the importance of calling the church by its first name. He broke up the title and explained every word and its meaning. It was fascinating! One of my favorite quotes was this; "the name is rich in meaning and it tells people what they need to know".

On Wednesday we got to be host missionaries!! For three hours I got to welcome a bunch of new sisters and show them around a little bit. It was so fun to help and encourage them because I know how it feels to say goodbye to everyone you know and 10 seconds later be rushed into something completely new. But missionary work is the BEST so it's totally worth it all. 

We had our very last TRC so it was our last chance to teach till we get to Detroit. I love C!! We taught her the second lesson (plan of salvation).  It went SO good!! She asked a hard question about an experience she had with angels and my companion just looked at me... without any idea of what I might say I just opened my mouth. I knew I didn't know the exact answer to her question so I replied; "I honestly don't know the answer to that question. That would be something I need to study before I can give you a sure response but, this is what I do know.... I then explained that Heavenly Father gives us experiences so that we can learn and hopefully grow closer to him. Even though I didn't have the exact answer, she said that she felt peace.  Every time that happens i am truly amazed. I don't think I'll ever get over it. I am so grateful for the gift of the spirit. We could not do this without it. I am so humbled to be an instrument in Heavenly Father's hands. At the end of the lesson we invited her to baptism and it was successful!!! It got me feeling so excited to do it for real!

Update on who we call "page 33 elder" haha. He has continued in his flirty ways and I was just trying to ignore it, but my comp told the Elders in our district and they have gotten all brotherly protective. I actually kind of hate it but they are just trying to help haha. They talk to him and get me insider info... They are all super unimpressed with his flirting and it's funny how much they care haha.  

Next time I email, I'll be somewhere in Michigan!!! That is so crazy and so exciting! I can't wait to meet my mission president, my trainer, and to go and share the gospel:) 

I hope you all have a wonderful week!! 

Love you! 

Sister Sedlacek 
P.S. Enjoy the video! 
