Highlights from Week One in the MTC

Hello everyone!!

I've been in the MTC for one week?! That's crazy. Time moves differently on the mission.... The days go by slow but the weeks go by fast.

My first p-day was great! We went to the temple as a district and did a session. It was an awesome experience.

On Saturday we met out first "gospel friend!" (We aren't allowed to call them investigators). Her name is C. She is a student with LDS friends and roommates. On Monday we taught her the first lesson! We were so excited and nervous, but it went pretty well! We invited her to read the Book of Mormon, and to pray and ask Heavenly father if what we taught was true. We taught her again on Wednesday, and she told us that she didn't read, and she prayed, but didn't feel an answer. I felt prompted to show her a 60 second video about the Book of Mormon and then my companion and I both bore testimony of its truth again. It was amazing to watch the change in her! It was like we flipped a switch. She immediately decided that she wanted to read. The rest of the lesson continued in this manner and the spirit was SO strong. I know that she's just pretending to be new to the gospel, but it was a way cool experience! I'm learning so much about what it means to truly follow the spirit, how it speaks to me, and the importance of having it with us.

I had my first Sunday in the MTC...all I'm gonna say is that, Sunday is no longer a day of rest and weekends are non-existent on the mission. ;)

I feel like I have so much more to say but so little time to say it haha. Here's a few other highlights from the week:
-we got stuck in an elevator. We called the police after a few minutes and then the door thankfully opened. We haven't used that sketchy thing since! haha
- some of you have been asking about the food here... and it is definitely an experience haha. It doesn't make me want to starve myself, but it's definitely not amazing. EXCEPT FOR THE CHOCOLATE MILK!
-my whole district joined the MTC choir. It's been amazing! The director reminds me a ton of Mr. Smith from BHS.
-if you ever get the chance to come to the MTC on a Sunday night, watch "Character of Christ" by Elder Bednar. Holy crap. It is so powerful. Definitely one of the best talks I've ever heard.
- if your sub doesn't show up to class, you can still have a very powerful lesson. Everyone in my district shared our farewell and goodbye stories and talked about why we came on missions. It stands as one of my very favorite nights. My district is awesome.

Anyways, I am still so happy and so grateful to be a missionary!! Thank you so much for all the support. It means so much!

I hope everything is going well for each of you and I am praying for your success in all you're doing. :)

I Love you all!

-Sister Sedlacek 
