I have a little miracle book and I've written in it every day

Monday, Sep 3rd, 2018 emails:

My week was so dang awesome!! I love being a missionary SO much!!! 

I'll start with my last few days in the MTC. I honestly thought they were going to suck but to my surprise, they were great! We had some awesome classes and some awesome devotionals. We packed up all our stuff on Tuesday night and then set off to the airport on Wednesday morning. the flight was really great! I met a lady named S. The details are in Dad's email... it was an amazing experience that I will always remember. 

President and Sister Cleveland picked us up from the airport. They are both so amazing! It was really fun to stay at the mission home with them and feel like I had parents again lol. I took a picture with them and I wish I had it!! I'm hoping that they post it somewhere. I had my first interview with President. He is the best! We got in there and right off the bat he started talking about the things that were said in my setting apart. I knew right then and there that he is called of God. He said so many things that I have drawn upon this week and I'm very grateful for the chance I have to work under him for the next year! 

I am in Ann Arbor 1st ward with sister Burt as my trainer. I LOVE her!! she is seriously the best. She is from Riverton and we have so much in common!! I have learned so much from her and she is a great worker!! She has been out for 8 months and this is her second time training. We are gonna have a lot of fun over the next 12 weeks. 

The ward members are awesome!! They are all really young and love to feed us. We get fed almost every day:) But, please pray for them to gain the desire to talk with their friends!! As missionaries we NEED the help of members. Pray daily for missionary experiences and don't be afraid to act on those promptings.
They all remind me tons of Jeff and Nicole because they all have 2 kids and the husband is in school haha. They would have lots of friends out here ;) 

The weather here is great. It is very humid and the rain is insane but I actually kinda like it. My hair handles it way better than I thought it would, but my skin always feels sticky. I am getting used to it though! It really is great:) no complaints. The trees and the grass and the flowers are all so vibrant! its insane how green everything is! it is SO beautiful. The sky is so much bigger without the mountains and the Clouds are actually super pretty too. I love this new home of mine:)

Ann Arbor is known to be one of the harder areas in the mission. But, we are very hopeful and we believe that we can baptize!! We have two on date for baptism! A is on the 15th and J is on the 22nd. I am so excited for both of them!! I don't necessarily count them as "my" converts since I haven't been there from the start but I am excited to teach them the new member lessons and be there for their baptisms. They are both SOLID and I love them. 

Miracles are real!  I have a little miracle book and I've written in it every day. 
I'll start by talking about a man named A. We found him on Friday. He is a Muslim man from Jordan. He lives here alone til his family is able to join him. Normally Muslims are very, very hard to convert and work with but this guy wanted to talk and learn from us! He is going through a lot of hard stuff right now and we see lots of potential in him! We can't count him as one of our people quite yet but, we are visiting him later this week. please pray for his desire to continue to grow! 

I love this gospel so much. I knew I would come out on a mission and change, but I never knew it would happen so fast. I truly believe that I am here to learn as much or more from these people as they could ever learn from me. I love them and I'm grateful to play a small part in their lives! 

I've just about hit my month mark and that is the craziest thing ever! I am so humbled and grateful for these next 17 months. I say it every week but I am so grateful for the gift of the spirit. It would truly be impossible to do this without it. 

Have an amazing week Mom! Thank you so much for all the support. 
Sorry for the crappy email lol. we are going to Detroit for P-Day and need time haha. 

Love  you!! 
Sister Sedlacek 
