#RIP District activities

Hello everyone!!! 

I hope you all had an amazing week!! 

On P-day last week, I had my first and last district activity #rip. There was a rule change this week and now, zone and district activities are banned:/ it was fun though! We played sports at the church and then we went to bdubs... if you've ever been inside bdubs before you know that was a tender mercy ;) lol. 

I was worried that because I got so dang close to my MTC district that all my others just wouldn't compare haha but I honestly love this one too!! We aren't as close but, it's still tons of fun! 

We taught J almost every day this week with members. (Daily contact is KEY) and he got baptized on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember how he moved to Saline and into the Elders area? Because of that, he technically (numbers wise) doesn't count as our baptism but as the Elders. Because we had been the ones teaching him and the Elders didn't know him, the four of us decided to plan the baptism together and have it in Saline. It was sooooo awesome!! He was so happy, he kept saying that he knows he's on the  right path that Heavenly Father has set for him... and Heavenly Father has big plans for him. He's so solid! He literally said that his purpose here on earth is to bring his family closer to God?! Seriously, What who says that before they are even baptized? He's been a good example for me! 

We have some new people! 

I'll talk about A first. She is somewhere close to 50, she's a spunky little black lady who loves to chat. I seriously love her! She was definitely a spirit led find that has a bit of a back story. 

The first time we met her was during my first week here while we were out tracting. We came across her sitting outside. She was drunk and smoking so she didn't want to talk and we moved on. On Thursday of last week we had the mission tour. It was at mission tour that I felt a very strong prompting. I saw the exact complex in my head and I knew we needed to go back. I told my companion and we went over there. We saw her again! She was sitting outside and so we stopped and said hello. To our surprise, she remembered exactly who we were. Yet again, she was drunk but she told us to come back on Tuesday at noon. So that's what we did. We introduced her to the Book of Mormon and gave her a copy. She promised to begin reading and said; "you ladies are legit. I know you have something to teach me". We are teaching her on Wednesday and she's already invited a friend to come and join us:) 

We got another new friend as well! Her name is C. She's young, single, and has a deep desire to learn. She wants to find peace in her life and feels she needs help from Heavenly Father to get it. We met with her once last week before she went out of town and it was really special. We taught her how to pray, and then invited her to say one. Before she did, she asked if we would both say one first and it was the coolest experience ever. The spirit was SO strong and it was sooooo amazing to hear her pray for the first time! We are teaching her again tomorrow and we are super excited! 

We also got a referral last night! And are going up to visit them today so we will see if anything happens with that:) 

I also had interviews with President this week on Friday. It was really awesome to meet with him again! He is so inspired and always says the perfect things. When we weren't in our interview we were getting taught by the AP's. We did some practices with them where we were teaching on the spot lessons. It was really good practice!! I'm learning the truth of the statement; "we teach people not lessons". It really is all about the people. If you listen to their needs and follow the spirit, the doctrines will naturally flow in the order that they need them the most. I'm seeing this pattern in the people we are meeting and teaching and it's the coolest thing to be apart of. Seriously there is nothing else I'd rather be doing in my life at this time!!! 

I want to thank all of you for the support! 

Love you all!!

Sister Sedlacek 
