The most terrifying meal of my life!

Hello friends & family!

My week was both really good and hard!

I'll start by sharing some about my P-day in Detroit last week:

My goodness I love Detroit. It's kinda crazy but it's really fun haha. We went with the Ann Arbor 2nd ward sisters. We first went to eat at this ghetto but yummy restaurant in Mexi Town. I had some really good rice and a quesadilla. 

Then we went exploring:) we drove around through one of the neighborhoods and saw some interesting/sad things haha. We went into the abandoned part of the city to see the graffiti.... it was way cool! Some of it looks pretty unreal. I sent some pics so you can see!

After that we went into the city! It happened to be the Detroit Jazz Festival that day and it was way sweet. There were tons of people, and cool music. It reminded me of La  La land haha. 

I also got to look straight into Canada... (typing that out makes it sound incredibly boring haha but it was cool!) 

We experienced a little miracle. It's normally impossible to get free parking anywhere in Detroit... We drove around for a few minutes hoping to find some but we couldn't. We decided to park at one of the sidewalk meters. We went up to pay and it said something like; "memorial day! Free parking". #blessed 

It's time for the meal story. We ate dinner with a cute little lady. She LOVES missionaries. I honestly love her. 

She fed us dinner.... a PB smoothie (wasn't bad), mashed potatoes that were unlike any other mashed potatoes I've ever had before, and a pretty raw hamburger patty in between 2 microwaved pancakes. And when I say RAW, I mean it. She cooked them for a solid 3 minutes. 

It was the most terrifying meal I have ever eaten in my life and I don't think I've prayed harder over food haha. But we were definitely blessed!!! We both felt pretty gross for about 20 min after eating but, nobody got sick:) Heavenly Father really does watch out for his missionaries. I have a testimony of that!! 

Now I'll tell you about our friends!

A is still solid and doing awesome! We finished up his lessons and he had his interview. His baptism is on Saturday at 11 and we are very excited!!!

J  has turned into an interesting situation. Here's the story in a nutshell. Hopefully it makes sense haha. We found out that he moved to Saline. Which is way sad because that is out of our area. We talked to the zone leaders, who talked to President about the situation. President said that we can teach him and he can stay in our ward if we got permission from the Bishop. The bishop wanted to talk with J at church on Sunday. He had a few concerns about him not going to Saline ward and he wanted to clear them up. 

That plan then didn't work out because J didn't come to church :( 

we also feel that he is struggling with something that he's not telling us about... So we are trying to figure things out. We should end up being able to keep him in our ward, and he's still on date for the 22nd:) 

Please pray for him. He has been having some struggles lately. 

Next we have A (#2). Remember him from last week? We found him when we were tracting, and taught about Joseph Smith and the BOM on his front porch and he told us that he believed in it. We had set up a lesson for Tuesday and he was all in... then we got to Tuesday and he canceled. Work got really busy for him this week so we haven't been able to meet with him yet. Because it's been awhile since we found him and we haven't gone back up, we had to take him off our list of new people. He still seems interested so we are hoping he can find time and we can come up to teach him!

We were out doing some contacting and we met a man named S outside of the library. He basically came up to us first, and after a minute, started sharing his story. He is homeless, and has been through some hard hard things. We taught him at a park one day and invited him to get baptized. He said yes! He feels like it's time to put God back into his life. It's a challenge to figure out how to teach him since he's homeless but we are getting members involved and we see his potential!

We had a couple other lessons set up this week with people we had met and none of them worked out.

Through all of this, I have learned a lot and been truly humbled. Hard days and weeks are meant to happen. If we are able to press forward with Faith in Jesus Christ we will see miracles. I still consider this week to be successful because of what I personally have learned. Success is never about numbers!!! 

I've also learned that Heavenly Father does not forget anyone or anything that he has created. He knows YOU, he loves YOU, and YOU are his son or daughter. I have been studying in Mosiah each day this week. In chapter 27 verse 30 there is a line that stuck out to me for the first time... it says; "he remembereth every creature of his creating". Even when we forget him or turn away from him, heavenly father remembers us. It is literally impossible for him to forget HIS children. 

Knowing that you are a child of God is a very powerful piece of knowledge. I haven't been out for very long and it is already something I've witnessed. It is a piece of knowledge that draws people to repentance. I feel so lucky and humbled to be part of this great work. 

I want to challenge you to all to pray. Pray for the ability to see God's hand in your life. I talked about my miracle book last week. Sitting down every night and thinking about the ways the Lord has been involved in my day has changed my life. He is SO mindful of us. Seriously he is always there for you. Seek for his spirit and watch for his hand in your life. I promise that it will strengthen your testimony, and your relationship with him. 

And just one other fun thing I forgot to include: 

One day while we were tracting we had a conversation with a pantless Asian man hahaha. He literally stood on his porch with no pants on?! It was way funny and awkward. One of my favorite things about the mission is meeting so many interesting people. It's fun;) 

But anyways, Thank you SO much for all of the support. I can feel it everyday. 

I am praying for each of you daily!! 

Love you!

Sister Sedlacek 


  1. I'm glad things are going well for you. By the way, happy belated birthday. When you get back you'll probably order all your burgers raw. 😀


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