Heavenly Father's plan is 1000x better than anything we could come up with for ourselves.

Hello everyone! 

I hope you are doing great:) 

My week was so good! 

We went on exchanges with the University of Toledo campus sisters and it was an awesome exchange. I went to work in Toledo with sister Rhoades, while Sisters Brown & White worked in Bowling Green. We saw some cool miracles in both areas, and I was able to help them figure out a few things in their area. Things have really picked up for them since! They have found 3 new people to teach since the exchange and I am stoked for them! Also, Toledo is dope. It is full of the coolest people ever. 

We saw some cool miracles in our area this week as well! 

I want to talk about a guy named M. Sisters Brown & White met him on Thursday during exchanges. He is so cool. He works on campus in the music department. He has a strong faith in Jesus Christ and just really wants to follow him in the best way that he can. We have met with him a couple times and he has been reading the Book of Mormon. He even came to church yesterday and he really liked it. The miracle about church is that he already knows the bishop of the ward. They work together and already have a tight relationship! We are continuing to teach him this week and he will hopefully have a baptismal date by the end of it:) 

Last night we were working in the area book. We were going through the list and contacting whomever we felt prompted. We texted a man named M and asked if he would like to learn more about the Book of Mormon. He responded a few minutes later and said; "you could not have contacted me at a better time! I just studied the Book of Mormon last Friday night, and I would love to share my experience". How cool is that?! We are teaching him this week and are very excited. Heavenly Father knows what each of us needs and when we need it. 

We don't have too many other solid people we are working with right now. Please pray that the miracles will continue and that we will be able to find those who have been prepared to hear the message of the Restoration. 

At church this week, Elder DeVries came and spoke in both the family ward and the YSA branch. It was a wonderful experience and I learned tons from him! In one of his talks he said; "99% of the time what we are asking for is insignificant compared to what the Lord wants to give us".  That statement is just so dang true. Heavenly Father's plan is a thousand times better than anything we could come up with ourselves. He can see everything from beginning to end, all at once. How he does it, we don't need to understand. He just wants us to learn how to trust him. He will always fulfill his promises and he will always answer our prayers. He will always lead us down the path to joy, fulfillment, and happiness. I am grateful for the way He has lead me so far in my life. Especially in leading me to serve a mission. It has changed me in a way that only a mission could. The things I have learned so far have shaped my testimony and my conversion. I am grateful that He trusted me with His time. These 18 months aren't mine, and I don't see it as a sacrifice. These 18 months belong to Heavenly Father. This is His work. It's his time and they are his miracles. 

I know I will never be able to repay him for the blessings I have been given, but it's the least I could do to come out and serve him. I love him and I trust him! Making it back to his presence is the biggest desire of my heart and I know that as I trust him, the celestial kingdom will become a reality for me and my family. (Michigan Detroit Mission family included:) 

I love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
