I blinked and it's P-day again!

Hello family and friends! 

I love you all and hope you are doing wonderful. 

My week was great and it flew by. I blinked and it's p-day again! The time is just going faster and faster and I wish it would slow down haha.   

We experienced a cool miracle this week! Remember the guy named M I told you about last week? He's the one who responded right after we texted him saying that he had been reading the Book of Mormon and that he wanted to meet with us. Well, we met with him and it was a cool lesson. I witnessed again just how quick the spirit can change someone's heart. He started the lesson by telling us and the member about his experience. To make a long story short, he made the decision that the Book of Mormon wasn't true and said he didn't want to meet with us again. The member who went with us immediately jumped in and basically took it away haha. She told him all about her personal experience, and taught him all about Joseph Smith. We shared our own testimonies and thoughts with him, and I was prompted to promise him some very specific blessings. The spirit was strong! So the lesson started with him saying no to meeting again, but ended with him saying yes! and making an appointment. We are meeting with him again this week. He promised that he would come to church with us this coming Sunday. 

We saw some other miracles on Tuesday on exchanges. I worked with Sister Forward, and Sister White worked with Sister Peterson. It was another awesome exchange!! Sister Forward is a wonderful missionary. She has been struggling with a few things but we were able to overcome them! We saw some great miracles throughout the day. We finished having shared our testimonies 28 times, picke up a new person to teach and an amazing referral! Helping the other sisters in my area has been such a fulfilling experience. I am so grateful for the sisters I get to serve with. They are amazing examples to me and I have learned lots from each of them. 

We also had a wonderful zone conference! President Sorensen's first one. He is very different from President Cleveland and has begun making changes. The culture and focus we've had over the last 11.5 months that I've been here is getting chucked out the window hahaha! It's kind of exciting! I know that he has been called by God. I think it's going to take the mission as a whole a minute to get used to him and his style, but he is going to do some wonderful things here! 

This week I learned a crap ton. Heavenly Father asks us to do a lot of little things each and everyday. Sometimes we tend to get overwhelmed because we forget that they are small and simple things. We then get lazy. I learned of a solution to stop the lazy feelings. Each time you feel yourself slipping or Satan tries to tempt you into skipping out on the simple things, ask yourself one question. "Do I love Heavenly Father enough to..." insert whatever it is you don't feel like doing. I promise that it works!  Love for Heavenly Father and the Savior needs to be our motivation. If we love him, and we always strive to act in accordance with that love, we will be on the track that leads us back into their presence. 

Have an amazing week! 

Sister Sedlacek 
