We don't teach lessons, we teach people.

Hello everyone! 

I hope you had a wonderful 4th!

Today is my 11 month mark, so that's kinda fun!! The time is FLYING by. I say this every month, but I seriously can't believe it's been so long. I still feel like a brand new missionary ;) haha! Serving a mission was the best decision I have ever made. I have truly found my Savior out here. I can't wait to keep sharing his gospel with the people of Michigan and Ohio.

Our people are doing great! We have seen some more miracles this week and my testimony has grown in many ways.

J is doing awesome. She came to church yesterday and she LOVED it. She told us that she knows it's true and that we are a blessing to her. She felt so much peace and is so happy. Her countenance is really beginning to change and the conversion process is happening in her. It is so exciting to watch!! She suffers from chronic migraines and they normally knock her out every morning...but since she's been meeting with us, she's had way less migraines!!! She no longer gets them every day and when she does, they aren't as bad. Wow wow wow!! God is so good!!

We also have a friend named E. She is someone we stopped by to see last week. She is going through a whole bunch of crap right now and is super depressed. She sent us a text the other day saying that she didn't want to meet anymore. I got the strong impression to send her the video called "Mountains to Climb" by President Eyring. She responded saying that she loved the video and that she wants us to come back! We are going back to teach her tomorrow and she's not as depressed as she was. A lot of times as missionaries, we focus way too much on baptizing. Baptizing is a very important goal, but part of our purpose is to minister as Christ and his original apostles did. We are here to help people come unto him and ministering to the one in simple ways is incredibly important. We don't teach lessons, we teach people.

On Tuesday we met President and Sister Sorensen for the first time. They played a slide show about their lives and their kids spoke in the background. It was super cute and they are amazing. They are from Oakley and have been married for 40 years. They are super pumped to be here and they are going to do amazing things for the Michigan Detroit Mission!

We also had Mission Leadership Council on Friday and it was awesome. The mission is making a big push to increase our own personal conversion to Christ. We can't convert someone beyond our own conversion. It's very important for us as missionaries (and members) to have strong testimonies that are founded on Christ and his gospel. I have been thinking a lot about conversion this week and what I need to do to increase my own conversion. As part of my study, I read a talk by Dallin H. Oaks titled "small and simple things" from April 2018 general conference. I highly suggest reading it! As human beings, I think we tend to make things harder/more complicated than they need to be. We do it all the time with the gospel and this talk is a great reminder of what is most important. In the talk he said; "None of these desirable small and simple things will lift us to great things unless they are practiced consistently and continuously. President Brigham Young was reported as saying: “Our lives are made up of little, simple circumstances that amount to a great deal when they are brought together, and sum up the whole life of the man or woman.” The way to become converted to Christ, is to focus on the small, simple, daily acts. As we study the scriptures, pray, and repent we will become worthy of the spirit. We will feel of his influence in greater abundance, and we will desire for everyone around us to feel the same spirit."

Since becoming a missionary, I've had the opportunity to meet many people who don't believe in the 'small and simple things.' They believe that grace is all we need to be saved in the kingdom of God. I had a conversation with a woman who had this belief. She asked me, "How are you going to feel if you get to the judgement and find out that you didn't have to do all this stuff?" It was a thought-provoking question, and I realized that I am going to be happy! These small and simple things have given me a happy life. Every good thing in my life has come from the gospel of Jesus Christ. If I were to get to the judgement just to find out that I didn't need to do all this stuff, at least I could say I lived a happy life and will still get into God's kingdom.  Every commandment, and every little thing Heavenly Father asks us to do has a purpose behind it! The commandments are freeing. They teach us how to live like he does. They open the doorway to joy.  He truly desires our happiness.   

I hope you have a fantastic week!

I love you all!

Sister Sedlacek
