Happiness is when someone says "I am interested in everything you have to say!"

Sister Sedlacek says happiness is also a pack of cigarettes given to you to smash and trash! 

Hello everyone!

I AM SO HAPPY. This week was wonderful, miracle filled, and so much fun! 

Today is the first day of school which means that campus is finally busy again!!! This last week was orientation week for the freshmen. We spent a lot of time on campus and met a lot of freshmen who are interested in hearing about the gospel. I will tell you about a couple of individuals.

One evening we were on campus just walking around and talking to everyone we saw:) We said hi to someone in passing and he stopped us! He said; "Hey! you guys are the Mormons. I have friends who are Mormon and I am interested in everything you have to say." It caught me completely off guard in the best way possible haha. It's not everyday someone has positive things to say after realizing who we are. We sat down on the benches that were next to him and began getting to know him. He is super cool!! We met with him again the next day and taught the restoration. He said that it filled him with peace, but he was a little hesitant because of his Catholic background. I felt prompted to promise him some very specific blessings, and then most of his hesitation went away. He came to church yesterday and absolutely loved it. It was a complete game changer. He now has the desire to be baptized and is already starting some great friendships with people from the branch. 

We also met a dude name G. He's also a freshman and is from Cleveland. He is awesome and has an amazing testimony of Jesus Christ! We taught him the restoration and he was so involved in the lesson. He asked great questions and has a wonderful understanding of the doctrine. The thing I love most about being on campus is working with the young people. They have the ability to describe the gospel in very modern terms... I love listening to them summarize scriptures. G describes prayer as a "telegraph into heaven"  I thought that was a great description! He also came to church yesterday and loved it! 

We are still working with D and her husband M. She is awesome and I am amazed at the strength of her testimony. She understands her purpose and has the desire to fulfill it. 

I studied a lot of different things this week. All of which were really good and helped me to learn a lot and grow in my testimony. I learned more about the purpose of commandments and obedience. He gives us commandments because he loves us. In PMG it calls commandments "loving instructions." I love that!! When we are obedient to the commandments it brings freedom. The definition of the word freedom is: "the condition of being free; the power to act, speak or think without externally imposed restraints." Isn't that the coolest definition? When we are obedient to the commandments we are blessed to have the spirit in greater abundance. We are given spiritual power and are blessed morally and spiritually... we become free because overtime we learn self discipline. Those who are disobedient to the commandments aren't blessed as much, so they can't feel the spirit as easily. When you can't feel the spirit as easily you become spiritually numb. That makes it easier to make decisions that lead to addictions. Addictions lead to less freedom and less joy! The commandments teach us how to live like Heavenly Father. They prepare us to feel 100% comfortable in His presence.   

I just want to take a quick second and share my testimony of the Book of Mormon. I know without a doubt in my mind that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It fills my soul with peace and has given me so many answers to my prayers. I know that it correlates directly with the Bible. We have the Old Testament and the New Testament. There is no coincidence that the subtitle to the Book of Mormon is "Another testament of Jesus Christ". We discover Jesus Christ and how to follow him when we read all these books together. I know that the Book of Mormon was translated by the gift and power of God. No man could have written it. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. Heavenly Father has given you everything you need to know. When you read the Book of Mormon, you will figure out exactly what that is.   

Have a fabulous week! 
