Thank you all for the birthday messages!

Hello everyone! 

I want to start by thanking each of you for all the wonderful birthday messages!! I have been blessed to have some of the best people in my life:) It was a fantastic day. 

The weeks just keep on flyin. I had another great one. 

We picked up a couple of former investigators. Their names are B and P and they are engaged. We texted them to see if they wanted to meet, and they immediately said yes. We went over for our first lesson on Wednesday and it was amazing. We were setting some expectations when they immediately opened up to us. They explained how it's been a long while since they've felt the love of Heavenly Father and the Savior. My heart broke when I heard that! Then Heavenly Father blessed us both to feel very strongly of the love that he has for them. We shared that with them and then we invited them to pray and ask to feel it. B said the prayer and it was one of the most sincere prayers I have ever heard. The spirit filled the room and when he finished praying, we asked them how they were feeling. They talked about how they immediately felt a weight lifted off of them and described how happy they felt. Before we even had the chance to schedule the next meeting, they were begging us to come back!! It was sweet! 

On my birthday, we were blessed with two awesome people to teach:

We went tracting in a trailer park. We went through a good chunk of it, and nobody was interested. We got to the last trailer in the entire park and knocked on the door. It was answered by a man named P who had met with missionaries 20 years ago. He sat down with us on his porch. He didn't have a whole ton of time, but we taught him a little bit about the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was very receptive. We went back on Sunday afternoon for a follow up appointment. He understood all the doctrine and he agreed with everything. He promised us that he was going to read, pray, and come to church before we even had the chance to invite him!! He rushed us out at the end because he had somewhere to be, but P is fixin' to be on date for baptism this Wednesday evening! ;) 

After teaching P, we decided to go to Kroger. The first person we talked to was a girl named S. She's in her 20s and is about to become one of my greatest friends. We taught her on the spot about the Book of Mormon and she was very open to it. She even came to church yesterday and she loved it!! She liked it so much that she went to both the ward and the branch. Who even does that?! We are teaching her again this week and we are super excited about it. 

And here are just a couple other little things...

1. We had interviews with President Sorensen this week and they were awesome. 

2. J (one of my recent converts) spoke at the "why I believe" devotional on Thursday night up in Michigan. We got to go and he did so awesome!! It was fun to talk and catch up with him. He still reads the scriptures for 3 hours a day, watches the Joseph Smith movie every other week, attends the temple for baptisms frequently, holds a calling at church, and is now blessing the sacrament! The gospel has transformed his entire life and he is truly converted. What a blessing it was for me to play a small part in his journey! 

4. WE HAD 4 PEOPLE AT CHURCH! what a miracle. Also, I got to speak in sacrament so that was fun. :) 

I have been studying in 2 Nephi this week and came across a lot of wonderful verses. Even those hard-to-understand Isaiah chapters are awesome haha. I want to share a verse from chapter 32. It says; "For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things that what ye should do". 

I have a strong testimony that this verse is true. After we are baptized, the Holy Ghost is something we are promised to have as we remain worthy. It is truly one of the greatest gifts we've been given. The peace we feel when we have the Holy Ghost with us is just a fraction of the peace we will feel in the celestial kingdom when we are in the physical presence of our heavenly father. How cool is that?! 

I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!! 

Sister Sedlacek 
