Life is a whole lot easier to handle when you rely on the One who handled it perfectly


Time is flying so quick. I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer before school starts up again:) 

My week was so great! 

We had transfers. Sister White and I are staying in Bowling Green to finish up her training! Transfer 9 is looking like its going to be a great one. 

I will first talk about a guy named Z. Here's the backstory... There was an older couple from the ward out working in their yard. They were attempting to pick up a heavy tree branch when Z drove by in his car. He saw them struggling, so he pulled over to help. They shared the gospel and invited him over to dinner the same night we were scheduled to eat with them:) The dinner appointment was awesome and we had M there too. After it was over, we reached out to Z and tried to schedule an appointment. He responded and said that he would like to meet!! We taught him the full restoration a couple days later and  he accepted a date for baptism!!! I am so grateful for the wonderful members who pray for missionary experiences and then act when opportunities arise. Without them, we wouldn't have met him. I've said this before, but just remember that you are coming into contact with scattered Israelites everyday. Even in Utah!  

Earlier in the week, we went tracting in a little trailer park (I love tracting in trailer parks). We met someone who compared us to a beer commercial? and right after saw a couple awesome miracles. We met a man named S. He was sitting out on his porch and so we decided to talk to him. He is so cool (I know that i say that a lot, but i mean it every time haha). He actually knows a ton about Utah and lived there for like 3 years. He is one of the first non members I've met who has a good feeling towards Utah haha. We taught him some of the restoration and gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon. He committed to read and pray and we are going back tomorrow! 

Update on our friend M. He is the one reading the Book of Mormon to prove it wrong... and he is actually doing really well. We have had some cool lessons this week and he is starting to see the light!! He said we are the most Christian out of any other Christian church. He said that he is beginning to understand the peace he feels at church and when he reads! Slowly but surely he is progressing and it's been a cool experience to teach him. He has a lot of really hard questions but it's really helping us increase our own knowledge. He has no idea how much he is teaching us! He also attends church every week and is hanging out with the members on his own time!

I have learned a lot this week in my studies. I love studying the gospel!

There were many different topics and verses of scripture I studied this week, but there was one over-arching theme. Jesus Christ was not the back up plan. Adam and Eve eating the fruit was not a surprise plot twist. Heavenly Father knew it all ahead of time. His plan is perfect and Christ was chosen before the world began. Without him, Heavenly Father's plan would have never been a plan. As it says in the scriptures, He is the way, the truth, and the light. I am grateful to know him. I testify that he is our Savior. He suffered for each of us. His atonement is real and applies to everything!! You should use it in the good times and the bad times. I promise, that the atonement of Jesus Christ will bring more joy and peace into your life. It makes life a whole lot easier to handle when you rely on the one who lived it perfectly. I love him! 

This week is going to be awesome. We have MLC on Tuesday and Life Remodeled on Thursday! I will have lots of fun pictures to share next week:)

Have an amazing week! I love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
