"How to Be Successful for Dummies"

"It's so cold!"

Heyyyyyy everybody!

How's it goin in good old Utah?!

Missionary life here in Ann Arbor is so great! I love it everyday:)

We end every night exhausted and happy:) I love it here in Ann Arbor SO much and I love the people here in Michigan so much!! Sister Burt says that she thinks I'm going to be training next transfer. She says that I came here pre-trained and that its been easy for her! I've been taking the lead in all of our lessons, contacting, and planning. She gave me the area sim card so I've been in charge of the phone too. I have learned so much while doing it! It will be interesting to see if she's right or not in 4 weeks haha... I kinda hope she's not! Training is a lot of responsibility;)

We had lots of lessons with N this week and we put him on date for November 10th!!! I am SO excited for him! He is so solid. This week he has prayed and gained a testimony about the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and President Nelson. He committed no problem to live the law of chastity, and keep the Sabbath day holy. He reads about 4 chapters every morning with his 75 yr old roommate named R. R has actually started coming in to the room and listens to the discussions too! At first, he didn't want to even be in the house. So that has been a miracle!! We are starting to work with him. He's super Catholic but says he has an open mind and he likes reading the BOM. We are hoping to put him on date this week! Please pray for both of them. So that they can continue to learn and progress!

We also had zone conference this week and I loved it. It was awesome!!

One of the senior couples spoke about the life of the Savior but focused more on the end of his life. My testimony really was strengthened during it. The part that hit me the most was when he was talking about the Savior's suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross. As he was explaining the story, I had the realization that Jesus Christ is and will always be the only person who knows the meaning and feeling behind being alone. When he did what he did, he was alone. It was only him that could suffer through what he did. And he only did it because he Loves us so much. He doesn't want us to go through what he did, and he doesn't want us to be alone. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have that it is impossible for us to be alone. Even if we don't want him there, the Savior will ALWAYS understand everything we feel and go through. He is the ultimate sympathiser, the ultimate friend, and He is truly our Savior. I love him! 

They also talked much about the Book of Mormon and the importance of using it in our teaching and testifying. The Book of Mormon is the most powerful witness we have of Jesus Christ and his gospel.
In the introduction of the book it quotes Joseph Smith.
He said; “I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”
I absolutely love that statement!! The Book of Mormon really is the most true book on earth. We can gain more knowledge through its teaching than by any other book. The Book of Mormon truly is the Lord's version of "how to be successful for dummies" haha. It teaches us what it looks like when we follow and turn unto Heavenly Father and when we don't. Heavenly Father has given us everything we need to know in order to get back to him... and we can figure out what those things are by reading the BOM, and following the prophet.
I know that the Book of Mormon is true. It is the keystone of my life. It gives me joy and peace and it answers my questions. I love it!

Thank you all again for the support! You are all amazing! :)

Love you all!
Sister Sedlacek 


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