MDM or Most Desirable Mission :)

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope you all had an amazing week!!

I had a great week and it flew by! Heavenly Father just keeps pouring out the miracles and I am SO grateful!

I'll start with A (older lady we found last week). We were set to meet with her this week but she came down with a cold and cancelled all of our appointments. We are set to meet with her on Wednesday!

We met with C again this week.  And it was a bit sad because she dropped us. She thanked us and said that we helped her grow in her faith but that she wants to explore Judaism for now.

We got 3 referrals this week!!!! Which is pretty big miracle! I will tell you more about them next week:)

We made a couple of new friends! We found a guy named O on Monday. He is from Africa and has a wife and daughter. He is SO cool and super sincere! We met with him on Friday and taught him the restoration and about the Book of Mormon. He asked the question; "how has this religion changed your life?".  And it led us into a really awesome discussion. It was a question that I've spent some time thinking about and I would encourage you to do the same! He still has some concerns about why he needs the Book of Mormon when he already has the Bible, but he committed to reading and praying about it! He's leaving on vacation for the week but we will be visiting with him again on the 9th. Please pray that he will remember to read and pray:)

We got a friend through the work of a member in our ward! She is a miracle. Her name is C. Brother B met her at the bus stop and invited her to church. She came, and she wants to come again! She is very interested in General Conference and wants to meet with us as well!

We also have another baptism coming up NEXT WEEK for a cute girl named S!!! She kinda fell into our laps and is definitely a blessing we are so grateful for!! She is 9 years old in a part-member family. Her Dad was deployed when she turned 8, so she wanted to wait for him to return home so that he could baptize her... he got home and she turned 9. Because she is 9, we get to teach her the lessons:) she is super sweet and super excited to be baptized on the 11th!

If there is one thing I've gained a testimony of from my experiences this week it's this-- you have to work in order for God to give.
This life is a time meant for growth. A time for us to "prepare to meet God". Hard work is a principle that allows us to do that. He REALLY wants to bless us!! If we do our part, and show him that we are seeking for his help and blessings... he WILL bless us with everything we need. 

I have learned the importance of not only asking for the Holy Ghost, but living for the Holy Ghost! In my studies I have been reading in Alma where it talks about Moroni making fortifications around the cities to prepare for war. I thought about it in comparison to our lives. We may not have cities to build up, but we do have spirits and testimonies to build up and protect.... just like Moroni did! The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is a very important part of our fortification. It keeps us strong when facing Satan's blows because we aren't facing them alone.

This is the last week in the transfer. My goal was to study the atonement every single day.... I spent some time reflecting on everything I've learned over the past 6 weeks and it's been humbling. It's through the atonement we learn how to forgive, it's through the atonement we gain a relationship with our Savior, it's through the atonement we grow closer to Christ, it's through the atonement that we never have to feel alone and we always have a friend, it's through the atonement that the Savior can show us our worth in his eyes, it's through the atonement that we can increase in gentleness and love, and it's the atonement that makes lasting change possible.
I am so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ and everything he went through for us. I know that the atonement is real and that change is possible through him. I love what Jared said about using it 98% of the time. I am realizing how true that statement is. It truly does apply to everything!

I hope you all enjoy general conference this weekend! It is an amazing opportunity to receive guidance and counsel from our prophet and apostles!

Love you all!!

Sister Sedlacek  
