We went to Hell.

Helloooo friends and family! 
How's everyone doing?!

My week was really long. But it was still good because I felt that the Lord really humbled and taught me a lot.

I'll start with the fun stuff:)
For P-day last week, we went to Hell! So that was cool lol.
Really we did... Hell, Michigan! Hahaha it's a SUPER small town. We went to this "cute" little gift shop and I bought a funny t-shirt :)

One of the best parts of my week was, S'S BAPTISM!!!! She got baptized on Thursday and it was amazing! She is the sweetest little girl and she was SO happy! I'll never get over the feelings of joy I receive when I watch somebody take that first step. There is nothing else like it!!

After S got baptized, we were at ground zero. Which means that our teaching pool was non-existent. Literally everyone we had, or thought was solid, dropped us. We have had 3 baptisms very close together and that is very uncommon for this area because people are generally very unreceptive. We were talking the night of the baptism and basically preparing ourselves for a long few weeks of tracting and finding. We had just experienced so many miracles, we didn't think the Lord would throw us another big one until he did. Our miracle for the week is meeting N.

We drove over to Meyer (kinda like Wal-Mart but a tad more expensive) and decided to go inside... We wanted to give a SPT (short, powerful testimony) to 10 random people. It was all pretty normal. People were nice but not interested.... It was my turn to talk to the next person. We were walking down the aisle close to the yogurt and cheese and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a guy in a black hat. I heard in my mind the prompting to go and talk to him. I knew without a doubt that it was a spirit-led thought, because there were people everywhere and I wouldn't have noticed him without it. So, we went over and I said hello. I shared my testimony of the Book of Mormon and invited him to learn more. Turns out, he already has a copy in his house!!!!! He had met with missionaries sometime before but had lost contact with them. He opened up to us about his story. This guy is the real deal. He has had about 5 near death experiences. The most recent is that, he got jumped in an Arby's and was basically left for dead--but somehow survived. He talked to us about his strong faith in God. He knows that the only reason he's still alive today is because Heavenly Father has protected him. He knows very strongly that God has a plan for his life and his main goal is to live that plan, whatever it is. He's been sober for 19 years because he feels that in order to be close to God, he needs to be sober. He has a strong desire to do good and to be better. He prays everyday, and asks for forgiveness everyday. Literally golden!

We had our first lesson with him outside of Starbucks the next day. He told us that he feels that when we came up and said "hello" that it was God redirecting his path to something better. The lesson went well! We invited him to read and to come to church. He committed to both things and he's doing them! He came to church with us on Sunday and he loved it. He literally wore a 3 piece suit hahaha! He said he is very excited to come again next week and to keep having lessons! We are teaching him tonight after p-day with a member and we are planning to put him on date for November 10th. He is a huge miracle!!!! I am so grateful for the spirit and that Heavenly Father is helping us to meet these people!!!

And for the spiritual thought! 

Every month of my mission I am picking a different Christlike attribute to study and focus on. This month's attribute is obedience.
One night this week I was reading in D&C chapter 25. I loved verse 10. It says; "And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better." 

That's exactly what obedience is. It's when we lay aside the things of the world and instead seek for the things of eternal value, we are being the most obedient. Obedience is more than just doing what Heavenly Father says. It's doing it with faith, and with willingness. And with trust that He asks us to do the things that allow us to draw closer to him. We are never perfect and will never be 100% obedient in this life. Heavenly Father knows that and he expects that. But as we do our best to seek for the things of a better, we WILL be blessed and we will have the spirit to be with us.

Thank you once again for your support and prayers!

I love you all!
Sister Sedlacek
