Life Remodeled

Hello friends and family!!

How was your conference weekend? I hope you enjoyed listening to the words of the prophets!

Can I just say, I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY SO MUCH!! I am learning so much and am having experiences that are shaping who I am, and the rest of my life.

My week was hard but good. Heavenly Father blessed me with an increased testimony and love of my Savior that I will be forever grateful for. I know without a doubt that we are each his son or daughter and that he loves us individually. And I know he has a plan for us.

On Tuesday we participated in Life Remodeled. My goodness, that is a day I will never forget!
First I'll explain what "life remodeled" is. For 3 days straight, groups go around Detroit cleaning abandoned buildings, houses, streets, ally ways, etc., of all trash, dirt, trees, and many other things so that criminals have less places to hide from police. For 4 hours my district of 9 (plus Pres and Sis Cleveland) cleared out an alley in inner city Detroit. When we started, it literally looked like a jungle. There were small trees and bushes everywhere, TONS of trash, dirt, and questionable items... (story for another time haha). It was super hard work but it was super fun!!
At the end of the day, we got to tour this super cool, and super old high school. Everyone that helps at Life Remodeled can pay to have their names engraved on the school.... guess what?! President pays for that! My name will be in Detroit for the rest of forever:') haha. Kinda stoked about that because I love Detroit so much. It is the most interesting place ever!
I also got to meet lots of new missionaries, and we ate dinner at Kuzzos. It's real chicken & waffles and it's soooo good!!!!!

Though we spent lots of time finding, we didn't get any new friends this week and we lost some of our current people. That was honestly hard. I just had to keep reminding myself that I know that as we keep being as obedient and diligent as we can, the miracles will come when God knows we are ready for them.
We had to drop A this week. She says she is interested, but she cancels every appointment we set. We do know she'll be ready eventually, even if it's not when we are here to see it.
O has been out of town with his family. We invited him to Conference and he thanked us for our kindness, but he dropped us.

We still have S! She is getting baptized on Thursday and is super excited!!! We taught her the rest of her lessons this week and it's amazing to me how much I've learned from her. She has such a strong, simple, pure testimony and she's strengthened mine! What I've learned from her is that the most important thing is to trust Christ. If we do that, we will be okay!

We are still teaching our referral B. He is SO cool!! He's got a wife and daughter and He goes to school at U of M. He has lots of questions and studying for them has helped me to become a better missionary. We are meeting with him a few times this week!

We also had exchanges this week! I went out with Sister Rice!! She is also from Bountiful and we actually had seminary together one time. It was super fun!!! I love her. She's an awesome missionary!

Okay, Conference time! We watched all sessions with members. We went to a different house for each session and it was great. We watched the Women's session at the church.
There were lots of rumors going around the mission... and everyone was thinking they would go down to 2 hour church so I actually wasn't surprised when I heard it haha! As a missionary it's kinda sad cuz church is bomb, but it is going to do amazing things for all families. The stronger we are in our homes and families, the stronger we are against Satan! The Lord is hastening his work and I'm so grateful and excited to be apart of it!
I'm sitting here trying to think about which talk is my favorite and I honestly don't even know haha. This was definitely the best conference ever. It is one that I'll remember for forever because of the many things I felt. I gained a much deeper understanding of WHY I am here and WHAT my purpose is as a representative of Jesus Christ. I have a stronger relationship with him as my Savior. I gained a stronger testimony of my divine nature, and of who we are as children of our loving Heavenly Father.
I learned that if our faith is stronger than our fear, we will conquer every time!
I wish I had my notebook with me right now, so I could get specifics as to what different people said, but I loved both of President Eyrings's talks, Elder Brough's, and Elder Renlund's talks. I'm excited to go back and listen to them all again.

I'm looking forward to another week of hard work in Ann Arbor!

Good luck with all that you are doing!!!

Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 
