Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone!


This is gonna be a shorter once since I'm talking with the family tomorrow. Sorry haha 

My week was awesome! Needless to say, I LOVE being a missionary and I LOVE serving here in the MDM! This Christmas season has been a very special time in my mission... within the past month I have learned more than ever and I'm sad that December is almost over!

For our people... L is doing super awesome! We met last night and she said the words; "When are we going to the temple? That sounds like an amazing idea". It opens up again in January and then we are going!!
Once a month our mission does a thing called; " the Why I believe devotional". They have recent converts stand up and share their conversion story with those who are on date or investigating the church. Super exciting news... my converts L and J have both been extended the invitation to speak! It's this coming Thursday in Livonia and I'm so excited!
Also, update on J.... he wants to serve a mission and is saving money to go!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's doing super awesome!

J and M have been very busy with family doing Christmas things. We were set to meet on Thursday but we had to cancel because our Zone Conference went super long :( I'm a little worried since it's been so long since we last saw them but we are set to meet this week after Christmas so please pray for them! :)

We have another new friend... his name is S and he's so cool! We met at Meijer and he said that he is looking for God in his life! We are meeting with him this week!

We had zone conference on Thursday of this week and it was super awesome. I just love President Cleveland so much! It went from 8:30am to 6:15pm... So it stands as the longest ZC to date but it was super fun. We played PMG jeopardy, I got to see all my friends, and we learned a ton. I'm super excited for this next year! President is changing the focus of the mission. We are going to be spending more time with members to help and encourage them in their missionary work. We do these things called MTV's (member teaching visits). We go into the members' homes and teach them the restoration. It builds their faith in Heavenly Father and helps them to trust us because they get to see the way we teach. President wants us spending time with them instead of tracting at night! I'm so excited about it haha.

I've been thinking a lot this week about the importance of following Christ. In my studies I came across a scripture that hasn't ever stuck out to me before.
It's Alma 37:45; "And now I say, is there not a type in this thing? For just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise".
I absolutely love the promise made to us in the end of that verse. As we follow the words of Christ we are promised to be carried out of our sorrows and into a land of promise! It fills me with so much hope.
Following Christ doesn't make life easy but it sure as heck makes the hard times worth it!

I hope you all have the best day ever tomorrow! Thank you so much for all the support you send my way. Just know I'm sending the same right back to ya!

Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 
