We are given things we CAN'T handle on our own, so we learn that it's the Savior who turns the CAN'T into CAN.

Hello everyone! 

I'm going to be honest and say that the last two weeks were pretty hard! This week was like a breath of fresh air. It was incredible!!

I am still with Sister Loveland but good news... she got her visa!!!!!! She leaves on January 1st! It's kinda sad because we've had a ton of fun so far and January 1 is 2 days before the end of the transfer... which means for 2 days, I will probably be in someone else's area or something... kinda crazy. 

L GOT BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!!! It was the most spirit-filled baptism I have ever been part of. Holy cow, I wish you could have been there because I can't describe it. She was definitely the most prepared person I have met so far. The joy that fills me as I watch someone make their first covenants with Heavenly Father is greater than anything. It is truly the most humbling experience! It has been a blessing and a privilege for me to teach her. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father allowed me to have a front row seat to her journey. The bible dictionary talks about true faith. I don't think I understood what true faith was until I met L. She understands what it means to align her will with God's. She understands what it means to follow the guidance of the spirit. I've learned from her what a true disciple looks like. Heavenly Father has BIG things in store for her and I can't wait to see all the things she accomplishes! Also, President came to the baptism! I've been waiting my whole mission for him to come and he finally did haha:) it was good to see him. We got to talk with him for a few minutes and I'm excited for what's to come this next year! 

Man oh man "the field is white and ready to harvest!" 

I'll start with these 4 little words WE FOUND A FAMILY!!! here's the story; it was getting close to the end of the night and we were finishing up the days SPT's to reach our goal of 10 a day. We had felt the need to stop into Kroger. I didn't know why, especially because we had already been there once that day. But, we followed the prompting. The first person we approached was a man named J. We testified of the Book of Mormon and he immediately invited us into his home! He said that he has worked with members of our church in the past and that they seemed wonderful so he'd love to have us. We went over a couple of days later and taught this family of 7. His wife is named M and they have only boys:) We taught them the restoration and they understood 100% the concepts of the priesthood and apostasy. They committed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon!! We have had contact with them everyday since over the phone, and will meet again in a couple of days! we are planning to invite them to be baptized on the 12th of January! please pray for J, M, and their family! they are amazing!  

We have a couple other referrals we are also starting to work with!! It's always kinda exciting after a baptism because you get to start over from the beginning and I was praying to not have a dry spell. We've been working so hard the people are coming!!! I am SO grateful! 

another miracle... We finally figured out how to help N!!!! I have struggled hardcore the past 2 weeks just not knowing what to do for him. We had been praying and praying and praying, and it just didn't come as fast as we wanted #neverdoes #learningpatience haha. The answer came on Saturday morning. I was reading in PMG and I realized what we needed to do.... Invite him to pray about the Book of Mormon again. we stopped by his home with his ministering brother on Saturday to see how he had been doing. He was still pretty upset and set on not coming to church anymore and didn't even let us into his home. Then we testified of the Book of Mormon. We invited him to keep reading and to pray about it again. It shut down his anger completely and he said he would do it! He still didn't come to church this Sunday, but we are following up with him this week to see how it went! Please keep praying for him! 

We often hear the saying; "God doesn't put us through anything we can't handle". My view on that statement has changed. What I've realized this week is that, we are given things we CAN'T handle ON OUR OWN so we learn that it's Heavenly Father and the Savior who turn that CAN'T into a CAN because we AREN'T doing it on our own. We are given weaknesses and trials that we may be humble. We are given trials so that we learn to rely on the heavenly hands outstretched to us each day. we have a very loving father in heaven. I'm grateful that God loves us enough to let us struggle.

My testimony of the Book of Mormon was strengthened this week. I completed the challenge given to us from President Nelson. I can say with every fiber of my being that I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that it is the word of God. We often refer to the bible as the "Old testament" and the "New testament". There is a reason why the subtitle of the BOM is "Another testament".
I love the Book of Mormon. It has answered my prayers. It has testified to me of the reality of Jesus Christ and the power he has to work in our lives. It has shown me that walking the straight and narrow doesn't take our trials away but it makes the burden lighter because of Christ. It has filled my life with JOY and PEACE. I have gained more knowledge. Following the counsel of the prophet strengthened my testimony of President Russell M. Nelson. I know he has been called of God. I know that he speaks the words we need to hear. I know that as we follow his counsel, our relationship with our Heavenly Father and our Savior will be strengthened. As we follow him we will not only be walking down the right path, we will be walking down the CENTER of the right path. President Nelson teaches us to be rooted in Christ. 

I am so grateful for each and everyone of you and I hope you all have the happiest Christmas yet!

Love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
