We're imperfect for a reason.

Hello everyone!! 

I hope you all had a lovely week and that you are enjoying the Christmas season:) 

My week was super crazy and also super good!

Sister Soderborg went home on Wednesday morning.... We drove up to Southfield (mission office) and I got my new companion.... her name is Hermana Loveland!!!!! I LOVE HER! We actually came here together, so we've been out the same amount of time. She is waiting for her visa to Ecuador... at this point, it could come at anytime so who knows, I might have another new comp before Christmas haha. Sister Loveland is a lot of fun and we pretty much think the exact same way:) we work out at night and in the morning cuz we both wanna get back in shape and it's great.
Also, yes I'm still in Ann Arbor:) yay for that!! I absolutely love the members in this area. They have become part of my family! 

So as for our people.... L is still doing awesome!!!!! Her baptism is this Saturday at 11 am and she's super excited. She is SO ready and understands the commitment she is making! We talked about the temple the other day and she is super excited to go do baptisms in the coming week. That's right, her temple interview is coming right up and then we are taking her. I'm so excited for my first time at the temple with someone I have been teaching! Also, her dad lives in SLC and she is already making plans to come visit me when I'm home!! You guys will definitely be meeting her one day!

I had the worst experience of my entire mission last night. N called us and his roommate R cussed us out and then N said he is going to go to another church!? We have no idea why and he wouldn't explain. It crushed me and I honestly just cried. It is the worst thing ever when you have seen the change in them, heard their testimony, and then they decide they don't want it anymore. I wasn't sad for me, I'm sad for him. I know what he is giving up and I don't want him to! There could be so many amazing blessings in store that I want him to have!
I'm also very confused because he used to say all the time that he was ready to be apart of this for the rest of his life. :(
but, we aren't giving up on him yet! We are going to try again this week and see how it goes. Please pray that we will know how to help him! 

We got a new friend this week!!! Her name is S and she is so so cool. I love her. I've honestly never seen someone so excited to read the Book of Mormon!! She talked to her mom about it and she may be interested as well! #hopefullyfoundafamily
We met and taught her at a gas station. We have a return appointment for Tuesday and will be inviting her to baptism so hopefully we will have another in January:) she is a miracle!!! 

This week we've been doing a lot with Light the World and I absolutely love it! There is nothing better than Christmas time on the mission! My testimony of the Savior has been strengthened and I have a newfound understanding of why Christmas is so special and important. This coming week, my district is putting together a free hot chocolate stand in downtown! We are going to play the #lighttheworld videos, give out hot chocolate, and spread the JOY that Christ can bring in a whole new way. I'm super excited!!!! 

I have been studying in Ether this week and I was reminded of a classic verse.
Chapter 12 verse 27 says;
"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them".
I have gained a testimony of this as a missionary! We are imperfect for a reason!! It's through our weaknesses and imperfections that we learn HOW to become like our Savior and Heavenly Father. It's our imperfections here that will allow us to understand perfection in the eternities.
I'm grateful that God let's us struggle and I'm grateful that he wants us to become like him. 

Good luck in all you are doing!! Have an amazing week!

Love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
