God will never tell you that you suck!

Hey everyone!

My week was good and I'm doing great!

Here's some updates...
J didn't get baptized on Saturday. He didn't get married on the day we had planned, so we had to push his date back into March. Don't worry though!! He is still very set on getting baptized :)
It actually ended up working out really well... He fell and cracked his head open on Friday night and was in the hospital till Saturday afternoon so he wouldn't have been able to get baptized anyway! He's okay now so no worries. He got a blessing after church on Sunday and he loved it. He said; "I felt the power of the priesthood and the holy ghost. I truly did". He's doing great!

G is doing so great!! We had an awesome FHE lesson with him on Monday. He said the words; "I'm not a Mormon just yet..." :) he has been reading the Book of Mormon and he loves the idea of receiving answers to his prayers.

N stopped progressing. :( In order for her to even be baptized she has to tell her husband and she flat out refuses. She hasn't been coming to church because she doesn't want her husband to know what she's doing. We don't want to put her in a dangerous home situation and feel it's best to put her in the area book. {Aka drop her :/ } We are having that lesson on Wednesday.

We found a few new friends too!! One is named S. We found her while tracting, and she's super awesome. The other is named D.
I had an amazing day on Saturday. We got a crap ton of SPT's and I got to share my testimony with 30 people. We taught on the spot and had cool experiences with a bunch of random people. It was definitely one of the most uplifiting days of my mission. Most of the people we talked to didn't end up being interested, but that's okay--they still touched me!

It's possible for every person on earth to be good and to be kind. Those are things we all have within us because of who created us. I've realized that as my faith in Jesus Christ has grown, my faith in the goodness of those around me has grown as well.
I sincerely believe that there's no bad people, just bad choices. Everyone is a son or daughter of God and everyone deserves the chance to make it back to him!

I studied from Mathew chapter 5: 14-16 and also from the verses in 3rd Nephi.
"Be who Christ would be if he were here himself and you will be sharing his light."
He's not only asking us to stand out and be a light, he has given us the power to do so! Remember that when you are standing with Christ you are never standing alone.

One other little thought...
I gained a deeper understanding of the love Heavenly Father has for each and everyone of us.
I learned that God will NEVER tell you that you suck. That's what Satan says and he is wrong.

Have a great week. Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 
