Staying in Ann Arbor for 6 more weeks!

Hello everyone!!

I'm sure you all heard about the changes in communication with family. It's very exciting! As I figure out the best way to go about it, I will still be sending an update weekly:)

My week was fantastic!

J is doing so good! We took him to a baptism in Ypsi on Saturday and he loved it. He said it was transformative and that he's very excited for his own... coming this Saturday!! He has tons of friends in the ward and has been telling everyone about it. I am so excited for him!

N is progressing slowly but surely! She's doing great and has the purest heart of anyone I know. She has such faith in the Savior and she only wants to do what is right. She is one of the best examples to me! I wish you all could meet her.

G is the coolest person ever. We are having a FHE lesson tonight at a members home and I'm so excited. It's a very powerful thing for new friends to be in a member's home. They feel the spirit and can see the gospel in action. They always come away feeling a stronger desire to learn and grow. It's awesome.

We met some new friends this week!
One was named T. He's so cool!! He ended up living outside the area so we had to refer him but I'm sure he's gonna get baptized very soon!

The other guy we met was named B. We met him at Meijer and taught him on the spot about the Book of Mormon. He was super receptive and I'm excited to see where things go! We will be meeting with him tonight.

We also have a couple of other potential friends. It was a decent week for finding and I'm so grateful! This work is only possible because of God.

We had stake conference yesterday and it was awesome. The leaders are putting a huge emphasis on member missionary work and I love it. There is a buzz of excitement going around the ward and it's incredible. As we've been entering into member homes, they let us know of their fears and concerns. It's really great to help them realize that missionary work can be easy and normal haha. They have been committing to share and invite and I'm excited to see what happens as we follow up with them!

In my studies this week I came across an awesome scripture. It's in D&C 31. It says; "Yea, I will open the hearts of the people, and they will receive you. And I will establish a church by your hand".
Wow what a cool promise given from the Lord that applies to all of us. This is his work and he does it in his way. As we are obedient and willing, he will establish his church by our hands. I promise that there is nothing better than serving the Lord and you don't have to wear a black name tag to do it:) magnify your callings to minister and reach out to your friends and neighbors.

I studied a lot about the gift of the Holy Ghost this week and I learned a few things...
The Holy Ghost brings Heavenly Father's spirit. He is providing us with a piece of himself. The Holy Ghost as a constant companion, gives us a small taste of what it's like to be in Heavenly Father's presence for eternity.
Think about the joy you feel when the spirit is with you and imagine how much more joy you will feel when we get to see Heavenly Father face to face.
I can't even comprehend how happy it will be! The Holy Ghost is a testament to me that God loves us. He wants us to know him and He wants to help us!
Trust in the spirit. When you trust the spirit, you are trusting in God. Who better to trust?

I hope you all have an amazing week!!

I'll be praying for each of you:)

Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 
