"Sister Sedlacek, we love you but when are you leaving?" {Six months in Ann Arbor!}

Hello everyone!!

Ahhh I love my life. My week was so dang good! Lots of challenges and surprises but it was great!
One of the best days was Saturday. Oh my goodness. The Detroit temple is the cutest little thing!!! It's seriously only as big as the church building across the parking lot and it is beautiful. Being there for baptisms was awesome and L loved it! 

Mom, you know how much I love the temple. It had been a total of 6 months since I'd been there and as soon as I walked in, it was like I never left. The joy and peace it brought to me was amazing. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the temple is the house of the Lord. It gives us a glimpse of what eternity will look like as we stay true to our covenants.

I'll give you the update on our people!

J: He is doing awesome!! We had some amazing lessons with him this week.
On Tuesday he dropped a bomb on us... he's living with a lady. On Thursday we met with him and taught the Law of Chastity. The lesson was like 110% spirit led and I'm very grateful for that because it's the only reason we experienced a miracle. His response to the commandment was; "well we've basically been living like we're married for 16 years so if you want us to go get the piece of paper we will do it". We are going to the court house this week!!!
He is also going to start bringing her to lessons and to church! We taught him about temples on Saturday and he loved it. He really wants to get to the temple in a year :')

Next we have G. I love this guy! He works for the government and the shutdown put him way behind schedule on a bunch of stuff, so he's been very busy with work. We didn't meet with him as much as I would have liked but he's doing great!!

N still stands as one of the cutest ladies on planet earth. I have learned so much from her about what it means to have real intent. Her desires to learn and come unto Christ are so pure. It is SO humbling to watch her make and keep commitments. She is still struggling with her husband. She can't get baptized unless we have his permission so hopefully he comes around soon.

Coolest miracle from our finding this week:
I was sharing my testimony with a guy in Kroger and there was another lady in the aisle. As I was talking I noticed that she kinda stopped and listened. As soon as I stopped talking to him, she came up to us!! Her name is M and she's adorable. Probably about 75 yrs old. I love Her!

Here are some things I've learned this week:
1. As missionaries we don't study from the come follow me manual. At church this week I learned that it's an invite from Christ to become one of his disciples. How cool is that?! Christ has personally invited us to become one of his disciples and he's given us all the tools to do it!

2. Because Christ resisted temptation perfectly, he understands it perfectly and can help us perfectly.

3. God has an eternal perspective that we don't. We don't always understand his timing or his plan but lack of understanding doesn't mean that we can't trust him.

4. Conversion is definitely an experience and a process. It's not a one time event.

5. The ability to make decisions shouldn't be secondary to the ability to receive direction through the spirit... Our agency is a gift and sometimes seeking direction from the spirit needs to come after we've already made a decision.
Sometimes this is frustrating and confusing but as we trust him we will follow the path he needs us to!

Also transfers are on Thursday!!! There is a 99.7% chance that I'm staying in Ann Arbor for one last transfer since Sis Mattson is training. If I stay, I will end up being in one area for almost half my mission. Crazy!!! 

Also kinda funny story, at church yesterday I had a few different members come up to me and say; "Sis Sedlacek we love you but when are you leaving?" Hahahahahaha after 6 months I guess I've overstayed my welcome 😉

I hope you all have an awesome week!

Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 
