If I ever complain about a Utah winter again....

Hello everyone!!

How's life?! I hope it's going well for each of you.

my week was great!

Wow the polar vortex. If I ever complain about a Utah winter again please hit me.
IT WAS SO COLD. -37 degrees. The U of M canceled school for the 3rd time in 70 years. Literally I was outside for less than 2 minutes...my eyelashes, and nose hairs both froze.
To answer your first question, "Did we go out and work?" Yes! We went out and worked. We were not allowed to go tracting, but we did hit up lots of gas stations and stores. It was a day to remember for sure!!
Tuesday night we did some tracting and man oh man... I couldn't feel my face. That's all I will say about that lol.

We saw lots of miracles and taught the coolest lessons!!

J is doing great! We taught him the Word of Wisdom this week. He has had coffee everyday since he was 11 yrs old, but accepted it like it was nothing. what a miracle! He said; "if this is what God wants me to do, I will do it". He has so much faith in the blessings we promised and it's awesome to see.
He even went and bought himself some herbal tea to drink instead!

B went MIA this week so we had to drop him. :/ kinda sad! He'll come back around one day.

I don't remember if I've told you about G or not... but HE IS SO COOL! He is from India and he is pretty much the nicest person alive. He's a member referral. He is a Sikh and has close to zero Christian knowledge. I never thought I'd teach someone like that on my mission but I'm grateful that I had the chance! Because he's actually a former member, he'd been taught years ago but doesn't remember any of it. He said he's always had questions about why Christ had to come to earth and suffer. We focused on the Atonement and life of Jesus Christ. We showed him the "for God so Loved the World" Bible video and the "Because of Him" video (recommend that you watch both) and he absolutely LOVED them. We took it back to the basics and taught him all about Christ. It clicked for him. The thing he has questioned for years, he now finally understands! He committed to come to church and he has been reading the Book of Mormon!

We have another new friend named N. She's also from India but has a Hindu background. She is so cute and we love her!! She has taken a Bible class so she knows a little bit about Christ. She loves that he came to earth and performed miracles. Like G, she doesn't know a whole lot. She knew that Christ came and suffered on the cross, but she had no idea that he suffered for her. We taught her the Atonement and she just looked at us and patted her heart. It was the most humbling experience. We got to watch her gain a relationship with Christ in a way she didn't know was possible. We taught her a few times this week and she is on date to be baptized March 23rd but it's a hard situation. Please pray for her and her husband. She is scared to tell him that she wants to be baptized because of how he has reacted in the past. It's really sad!

We also have D and his wife! We didn't teach them in person this week because they were in charge of a couple funerals and were very busy. We are teaching them again this week!
They have been reading the BOM and love the message of eternal families.

That's it for our teaching pool. we have been SO blessed and Heavenly Father is just pouring out the miracles. I'm so grateful for the chance to help spread the gospel.

In my studies this week I came across a quote from President Oaks. He said "the gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan by which we can become what Children of God we are supposed to become".
I loved that so much!! The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. It is his kingdom established here on earth. It changes hearts and minds.
The most amazing thing about the gospel is that it improves the quality of life without changing the quality of your circumstance.
The gospel is true because it works. It teaches us how to turn to the Savior. It teaches us who we are and shows us what we WANT to become.
As you grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ becoming like them becomes more than a requirement. It becomes a desire.

One more thing! I highly recommend watching the video called "the Savior Understands me". It was done by Elder Holland and it's very powerful.

On Friday I will officially hit my 6 month Mark! That's crazy!! I want to thank each of you for the prayers, kind words, and thoughts. I am so grateful for each of you and I can't wait to see what these next 11 and a half months have in store!

I love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 
