A 6-year-old invited me to live in her basement. So it's official, I'm never coming home!

Hello everyone! 

I'm calling home today so this email is going to be a shorter one :) 

Here are a few highlights: 

-J GOT BAPTIZED!! It was the most special day. He was SO happy. He was confirmed during Sacrament meeting the next day and he said; "I love the Holy Ghost. The priesthood and the temple is the next step for me and I'm excited". He will be ordained next Sunday, so we are having a family history lesson this week to help him find a name! I am so excited for him and I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father and the Savior allow me to have a front row seat to the greatest work on earth. There is nothing better than this! 

- We had some awesome lessons with our other friends this week! And all I'm gonna say is that I am so grateful for the spirit. Do everything you can to always have the it with you! The peace and guidance that comes from it is unmatched. 

- We got kicked out of my favorite store this week. Definitely not a highlight but a detail worth remembering haha. With one full week left in Ann Arbor, I'm leaving this area with a bang ;). 

 - there is a 6 year old in my ward that invited me to live in her basement. It's official, I'm never coming home haha

The rest of the week was pretty standard. here's a few things I learned: 

- We got bible bashed more times than normal this week and I learned that a true testimony built on Christ can withstand any amount of opposition that Satan tries to throw at you. As the apostles have said; Nobody can take away a witness borne to your heart! :) I'm grateful for that! 

-Heavenly Father IS in control. He wants what's best for you!! Trust him. 

-Alma 34:31 reads; "Yea, I would that ye would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for behold, now is the time and the day of your salvation; and therefore, if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you". I came across that verse this morning in my studies and I loved how it uses the word "immediately". As soon as you repent, your sins are IMMEDIATELY forgotten. It's impossible for Heavenly Father to hold a grudge. 

Also, repentance is never something to be ashamed of. Don't ever be afraid to change. It will fill your life with joy and peace. You will never regret it once you're done. 

I hope you all have an awesome week!! 

Love you all!! 

Sister Sedlacek 
