I talk to people from all over the globe every single day

Hello everybody!

My week was hard in some ways, and really good in other ways!! We saw miracles and found a few new people to teach.

J is doing fantastic! Getting baptized on the 16th. He's very excited and is truly becoming converted to Christ. We went up to Bloomfield Hills to take him to the "Why I believe" devotional (new converts tell their story to those who are investigating and it's awesome). The temple just happens to be right across the parking lot so he got to see it! He said he's super excited to go inside one day :)

G is doing good. He's reading and stuff but we didn't teach him this week. He was completely swamped with his work and didn't have time :/. But we are meeting with him this week!
We got another member referral this week and I was stoked because this used to never happen! His name is Gp. He's from Korea and doesn't speak much English but he's so excited and willing to learn! 

Man... There is so much diversity here in Ann Arbor and I freaking love it! I talk to people from all over the globe every single day.

We met a man named C thru contacting at Goodwill (basically the DI) and he's awesome!!!! He's been to church before and has met with missionaries in the past. We taught him in the store and have an appointment set up for Tuesday. He's way excited to meet and has been texting us about it!

We also met a guy named M. We met him at Kroger and he's the coolest dude ever!! He doesn't have a religious background, but he knows about Christ. He's a roofer and works weird hours but we are teaching him tomorrow!

We also met a lady named B! She's awesome!! She is so sincere and was so anxious to read from the BOM. We are teaching her tomorrow as well!

We have a few other people to work with as well and we will see how it all turns out!
Heavenly Father has been good to us and is really providing the miracles!!! I am SO grateful. It makes me so sad to be leaving the area in a few weeks.

My testimony of missionary work grew this week.
I was studying about the gathering of Israel and the biggest wave of urgency overcame me! There is nothing more important than the work of the Lord and every one has been called to be part of it. Our mission is putting a bigger push on the members and I love it!!
It's impossible for us to do our job effectively when we don't have the help of the members. The members are the glue that holds it all together. I learned that I was the worst member missionary ever back at home haha.
I would encourage you to help the local missionaries!! I know you want people to help me, and those missionaries have moms who are the same way! Mom, if it's a set of sisters, you or Mia could go out teaching with them. You could invite some of our neighbors over for dinner--opening our home for them to feel the spirit and see the gospel in action . When they return home, they will feel the difference. Overtime they will want the same feeling to be in their home.
There's my two cents... take it as you will haha :)

This week I learned more about our Savior Jesus Christ. I want to share with you the lyrics to the primary song "He sent his Son" #34
"How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?
He sent his Son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness.
How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?
He sent his Son to walk with men on earth, that we may know.
How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice, of death?
He sent his Son to die for us and rise with living breath.
What does the Father ask of us?
What do the scriptures say?
Have faith, have hope, live like his Son, help others on their way.
What does he ask?
Live like his Son."

I absolutely love this song! Heavenly Father's plan is successful only in and through Jesus Christ.
If we didn't have a Savior, life would suck all the time. There would be no point and no joy. There would be no way for us to return to Heavenly Father.
I am so grateful for the sacrifices Jesus made for us. I am also so grateful for the sacrifice that Heavenly Father made when he sent Christ to earth.

This Friday I will hit my 7 month Mark?! Whaaaaa that's crazy. Less than one year and I'm home :(
They have by far been the hardest and most rewarding 7 months of my entire life. I feel like I say this every month, but I will never regret coming on a mission.

Thank you so much for all the support!!
Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek
