"We were the most lost of all mankind"

Waiting at Discount Tire.

I found Bountiful in Michigan!

Hey everyone!!

I had a very happy week! I love being a missionary so much.

As you know, I hit my 7 month mark and that's pretty much insane. I don't know about you, but it has FLOWN by for me. Heavenly Father is helping me and I feel it everyday. This work and this life is impossible to do without him and our Savior.
Like it says in the scriptures; "I will consecrate thy afflictions for thy gain". He isn't lying. There is a reason and a purpose behind everything we go through. I've learned how to look for the reason why on my mission.
I feel closer to them than I ever have before and that's something I wouldn't change for anything.

A few updates...
J is getting married as I am typing this letter :') his baptism is on Saturday at 11:30am. Ahhhh so stoked! He is doing awesome and is seriously so converted!
I'll tell you all about it when we video call next week.

Next we have C. He is 71 years old and is definitely one of the coolest people I've ever met. He's getting baptized in April! The week after conference:) I want to save the majority of his story for when I call you.... It's awesome. He came to church yesterday and he loved it!

We also have G. Oh my heck I wish you guys could meet him!! He's awesome! We have to take it slow with him since he doesn't know a whole ton about Christianity but he's reading and learning!

Then there is J. He's YSA age so we have to refer him but he's super cool. We met him at Kroger and taught him in the baking aisle haha. We have met with him one other time and he is super interested in learning more!

We also have M. We also met him at Kroger and he is amazing. He had a scary near-death experience that changed his whole life. He said "I haven't picked up the scriptures in awhile but I need to". We are teaching him tomorrow and he has so much potential!

We ran into a lady we used to teach at Meijer this week. Her name is A and she wants to start taking the lessons again!!! It was an absolute miracle because she's one we've tried to stop by repeatedly and have never gotten in contact!

Because of the assignment to instruct at Zone Conference this past week, I've been studying a lot about conversion.
I was reading about the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's in Alma 23 and 24.
In chapter 24 verse 11 it says; "we were the most lost of all mankind". That is amazing to me! The Anti-Nephi-Lehi's were once the most lost of all mankind yet they were still able to repent and become converted. If the "most lost of all mankind" were able to turn unto the Savior and receive forgiveness so can we!! 

It doesn't matter how far you think you've gone off the path, or how long it's been since you've prayed, repented, stepped foot in a church, opened up the scriptures, etc. Heavenly Father is never going to be mad at you for coming back him. The Savior is never going to turn his back on you. The only emotion they feel when we decide to come back is complete JOY! I've been able to feel glimpses of their joy as I've watched people enter the waters of baptism.
Come as you are but don't expect to stay the same:) they love You for You and that love will never change.

Have an amazing week! Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek  
