We walked 15 miles and it was amazing

Hi everyone!!

I hope you are doing awesome and that you are enjoying the spring weather as much as I am!

My week was great and I'm doing great too! :)

J is on fire! We had a family history lesson with him this week. He's going to the temple next week. I'm sad that I won't be there to see it but I'm so excited for him!

C is on date for April 13th!! We were starting to worry that he might never accept because we asked him 4 times. In one of our lessons this week, he brought baptism up all on his own! He said; "I'm going to break one of my rules. Put me on the calendar for April 13th" what a miracle!!!
Now that he has finally committed he is stoked. At church yesterday he announced his baptism in Elder's Quorum and invited everyone :') We teach the coolest people ever haha.

We also have G. Please pray that we will be able to meet with him this week!! He's so busy all the time.

On Saturday we walked 15 miles and it was amazing. I got sunburned:) I can finally start to get somewhat tan haha yay! During that time we found 2 new people to teach. One right after the other!! I love street contacting because nobody can kick you out haha.

The ward knows that transfers are happening this week and they were totally treating it like it was my last week :( I had multiple members come up to me and say; "it's going to be so weird when you leave! You are a big part of our ward". Geez leaving this area is going to be way harder than I first thought. These people are my family. I love them so much!

It's spring break for the kids so A and his family are heading out of town. I went over to say goodbye to them because if I get transferred, I won't have another chance. That was hard! (Mom, we better plan a mission trip for soon after I arrive home haha)

My March Christlike attribute is patience. I've been studying and focusing on it everyday. It's been awesome. I'm still not where I want to be, but I've improved and my testimony has grown.
One of the biggest things I've learned is that there is a difference between patience and waiting.
Patience is waiting with faith, hope, and a happy attitude. It's very possible to wait for something without patience. More often than not, I think that's what a lot of us do. Getting angry or annoyed isn't patience. I realized that I've done a whole lot of waiting in my life and it hasn't always been with patience... Sorry for my lack of patience Mom and Dad:) thanks for putting up with me anyway haha.

I've been prompted to study about Christlike leadership. In doing so, I came across an awesome Ensign article. I want to share a quote from it:

"my message to you today is that regardless of your calling, you are always a leader, and you are always a follower. Leadership is an expression of discipleship—it is simply a matter of helping others come unto Christ, which is what true disciples do. If you are striving to be a follower of Christ, then you can help others follow Him and you can be a leader".
I love that!! It was a great reminder for me. It doesn't matter who you are or what your calling is. If you desire to be like Christ and you act like it, you are a leader.
Like the scriptures says;
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, I give unto you to be the light of this people. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid".
"Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven".
People are always watching. You never know of the influence you can have on a person. Always strive to be kind. Pray for charity. It's an amazing experience to feel a glimpse of the love that Heavenly Father has for his other children. It will open your eyes to see the love he has for you.

Let me know what I can pray for! :)
Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek

P.S. sorry for the lack of pictures! I will have some better ones this next week. We are taking a tour of the Big house (U of M football stadium) today! 
