Hardest + Happiest 8 Months of my life

There were a lot of gray days this week!

Hello everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed General conference as much as we did!!

I am doing so good and my week was great!!

Can you believe that today is my 8 month Mark?! Hardest, happiest, best, and most fulfilling months of my entire life right there.

I'll start by talking about our people!

C had a lil faith crisis this week but he's staying strong and is still excited to be baptized!! He has a great understanding of the covenants we make at baptism. He knows that it's way more than getting wet (As he would probably say haha). We had a miracle in one of our lessons. We taught him the Word of Wisdom and Law of Consecration and he committed to live both! He said; "those are easy for me". this work is only possible because of Heavenly Father and the Savior.
He also watched conference and he loved it! He said there were talks that really stuck with him.

We couldn't meet with G this week:/ He is so dang busy. Please pray that he will be able to meet with us this week!

J gave us some referrals so we gained a solid potential this week! That was a miracle.

The biggest miracle happened last night. We found a new person to teach!!! His name is D.
We aren't allowed to contact inside public places on Sundays so we normally do parking lots and gas stations. We pulled into the Meijer parking lot and saw a man putting away a cart full of groceries. We decided to go help/talk to him. Before we could tell him where we were from he asked for our card. He said that he and his girlfriend have been wanting to find a church home but that they didn't know where to go! We taught him about the Book of Mormon and prayer right then (thankful for warm weather haha). He loved it! We are meeting with both D and his girlfriend this week! They are very excited and so are we.

Thursday was basically the best day ever. After 8 months I finally got to do an endowment session in the Detroit temple! I love the temple SO much! As soon as I sat down, the familiar feeling of peace and joy swept over me. My testimony was strengthened and I knew I was sitting in the house of the Lord. We went with a member and she took us to one of the only Chick-Fil-a's in Michigan after. It had also been 8 months since eating there haha. #tendermercy

Now time to talk about conference!! Can I just say, it's definitely better than Christmas.
Holy cow. It was SO good! I loved every single talk and I received some awesome revelation. We have a lot of work to do before the Savior comes again and we need to start now! I felt very strongly that if you decide to procrastinate, you will be left behind in the process.

I'll share some of my take-aways from each session.

Saturday morning:
I LOVED sister Craven's talk. Especially when she said; "there is not a right way to do the wrong thing".
I also loved when she said; "we have been called a peculiar people and what a compliment"
From her talk I learned that the Lords ways will ALWAYS be different from mans ways. Keeping our covenants keep us firmly on the path back to our Heavenly home.

I also loved Elder Hales talk from the morning session. It seemed as if it was written for me! It was exactly what I needed to hear.
From him I learned that Heavenly Father has a way prepared for us to overcome our challenges BEFORE we travel through them. Every single one of our needs can be fulfilled through him.
He is in the details of our lives and trusting him is the greatest decision one could make.

Also Elder Uchtdorf's talk.... Every missionary's dream haha. Please study his words!! The work will not be accomplished until every member and every missionary works TOGETHER. Please please please go out and share the gospel! Living in Utah is no excuse... if missionaries have been sent there people have been prepared there. The missionaries need your help in finding them.

Saturday afternoon:
I loved President Ballard's talk! "Our quest is to bask in the light of Christ".
Keep it simple and do your best to follow Christ every single day.

From Elder Anderson's talk I learned that the Family Proclamation is NOT a lunch line to pick and choose from. To the best of your ability, you need to follow all the principles within.

Elder Holland's talk. Wow. We need to repent and be better!! It's called SACRAMENT meeting for a very specific and special reason.

Sunday morning:
Sister Eubank's talk was wonderful! She is one of my favorite speakers every time she speaks. I loved when she said; "Christ is rest, Christ is light to see, Christ is red wool made white".
It is growing ever more important to make him the center of our lives.

Elder Christofferson's talk pumped me up for the Second coming.
I loved when he said; "this is the Lord's work and he permits us to Labor with him"

President Nelson's talk was amazing!! "Time is running out" prepare now to make covenants in the temple and if you've already made those covenants, keep them and help the members of your family who haven't had the chance.

Sunday afternoon:
President Oaks' talk was SO good.
He said; "the prize of repentance is worth the price"
Repentance is the life blood to eternal life. It makes it possible for us to not only make covenants but to KEEP them.

Elder Bednar's talk was one of my favorites! We cannot borrow gospel light from others. We have to learn for ourselves.

I loved when Elder Rasband said that our homes are only as powerful as the testimonies of those within. Each family member has a part to play!
From him I learned the importance of being obedient. I also learned that there is literally no point in questioning the timing of the Lord... asking "why" isn't going to change his will. Have patience and move forward with faith. It will all work out!

I am so grateful for a living prophet and apostles. They are called of God. They teach us what Heavenly Father needs us to know. I am so excited to read and study from their words every day for the next 6 months!!

Have an amazing week!! :)

Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 
