Touring the Big House

Happy April Fools day! Hahahaha Pres definitely got me good with transfers! We were convinced I was leaving and Sister Mattson staying. I wish I got our reactions on camera!!

At first, I wasn't so happy to be staying since I was set on getting transferred, but I'm so happy to be here now!! :)
On Wednesday when President called me he said; "guess what Sis Sedlacek?! You're staying another transfer and the Lord has called you to train" it was kinda funny haha.

I met sister Ashton on Thursday and I love her already!! She's so sweet!! She's pretty quiet but she's a quick learner! She's from Idaho. And she's actually a visa waiter! She's going to Portugal and will have her visa pretty much anytime now. So new comp is pending hahaha.

My week was great!!

The first half was spent with Sister Mattson and we definitely lived it up. Haha we had tons of fun! It was sad to see her go. Touring the big house last p-day was awesome!!!! I highly recommend it.

L is doing so awesome!! She spoke at the "Why I believe" devotional on Thursday and did amazing! She shared her conversion story and testimony. I'm so grateful for the chance I've had to teach her. She has changed my life for the better and is definitely one of my best friends.

J is also doing amazing and LOVES his scriptures. He wanted me to thank you for him. He's getting ready for the priesthood and the temple! Woooohooooo

C is also doing so great!!! He is SO excited for his baptism next Saturday. After I ended up staying in the area he said; "nothing against Sister Mattson but I'm glad it was you that stayed" he said he feels the spirit whenever I start to teach something. Wow. That was the biggest most humbling compliment. I'm happy to be here and to see him through to baptism!

G is doing well :) progressing slowly but surely.

My testimony of the sacrament was strengthened this week. As I was studying the importance of it just hit me. I think its SO amazing that Heavenly Father is literally commanding us to renew our covenants with him. If that doesn't scream the words "I love you and want you back" then I don't know what does. He is literally doing everything he can to get us back to him!! I am so grateful to know that.

I also studied the words to the hymn "I'll go where you want me to go".
The end of the first verse says; But if, by a still, small voice he calls To paths that I do not know, I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I’ll go where you want me to go.

I love the part that says "I'll answer dear Lord with my hand in thine". We are often asked to do things we don't understand or comprehend. This song reminded me that we will never be left alone. We are not destined to fail. As we rely on the help of our Heavenly Father and Savior we can make it through anything.

Enjoy general conference! Make sure to listen with a question in mind and you will receive the personal revelation you need to hear!

Thanks for all the support!

Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 
