Spring in Michigan

Hello hello Hello!

It was a happy week here in Ann Arbor :)

Spring in Michigan has been beautiful!!! The weather has been AWESOME. Everything is starting to turn green, the trees are budding, and the clouds and blue sky are back!

C's baptism didn't happen as planned on Saturday. :/ he was all hung up on keeping the Sabbath Day Holy all of a sudden. That was a bit bummer but it's all good. He's been rescheduled for April 27th and is doing AWESOME again. We had some very spirit led lessons this week! One of them even brought him to tears. It was the most humbling thing to watch.
I'm excited to see the progress that happens between now and the 27th!!

We found 3 new people to teach this week!!!!!! It was so amazing.

The first is a girl named N. We met her at Meijer. She's 23 so we have to refer her over to YSA but we taught her once and she's so cool. She is from Ghana and came here for work and school. We were actually her third contact with Missionaries. She has the strongest faith in Jesus Christ. It is so inspiring.

We also met a girl named E. We ran into her at the gas station last night. We taught her on the spot and she was WAY interested. We are teaching her tomorrow evening and I'm stoked.

We had the biggest miracle last night. We got 3 referrals in a span of 2 hours. That is HUGE for this area. Usually referrals are few and far between. It was awesome! One of them is a married couple named O and N that we are teaching this week, and the other is for a lady named L that we are visiting tonight or tomorrow. Pray for each of them!!

We are still working with G and he's doing well. It's hard to meet with him though. He is just SO busy so he is progressing very slowly. But progress is still progress. :)

My recent converts are doing well.
At the end of one of J's lessons this week I said; "what are you going to do tonight?" And he replied "oh I'm just going to do some reading" I then asked what it is that he's reading and he said "the Book of Mormon" haha heck yeah! Dad, he loves the quad SO much. He said he uses it every single day.

L is still killin' it. She teaches primary and we finished up her new member lessons!

As for the spiritual thought, I was reading In 2 Nephi this week and I came across chapter 14 verse 6. It says; "And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and a covert from storm and from rain".
I read that verse and my mind went immediately to the temple. Man I am SO grateful for temples. It is the only place on earth that is completely free from the influences of the world. No phones, no news, no TV, etc. I know without a doubt that the temple is the house of the Lord. As you spend regular time in the temple it will become a refuge for you! You will receive more revelation and feel closer to the spirit. 

Have a fabulous week! 

Love you All! 

Sister Sedlacek 
