
Hello everyone! :) 

I've had a happy week here in BG and am doing great! 

At the beginning of the week we got dropped by all the people we had and our teaching pool was non-existent. The miracles always come after a trial! We kept that in mind as we continued to work, and we saw a huge miracle on Thursday. 

There is a guy named Elder L who's from the ward. He is currently serving as a missionary in California but he's also killin' it over here. He has tons of non member friends that attend BGSU. He has been reaching out to a lot of them and on Thursday morning we woke up to the most amazing referral. Her name is J, and she has wanted to join the church since her sophomore year of high school. Her parents wouldn't let her get baptized because they are pretty against it. She's decided that now is the time to get baptized!!! She sent us a message on FB titled; "let's get J baptized... FINALLY" BEFORE we even taught her!!! She is on date for June 22nd and we are SO excited and SO grateful! 

It was a humbling experience for sure! Sister West and I were reminded that nothing we could ever do is enough to help someone enter the waters of baptism. On our own, we are much too weak and much too simple. The miracles are always performed by the hand of the Lord. All we have to do is work hard and be obedient. The miracles will come when they need to.

Jacob 5:71 says; "And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with YOUR might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish MY vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh; and if YE labor with YOUR might WITH ME ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come". 

Its the Lords vineyard and the Lords work. He permits us to Labor with him! He allows us to  feel of the JOY that he feels as HE works miracles in the lives of those we teach. I am so grateful to be a missionary!  

Another highlight of the week was zone conference. President Cleveland goes home at the end of the transfer so it was his last one. It started at 9am and didn't end until 8pm... it was exhausting but so amazing. I am so grateful for President and sister Cleveland. They have truly changed my life and I am going to miss them tons. Sister West and I even got to give a little instruction:) 

A not-so-highlight was being told by a complete stranger that the only reason I'm a member of the church is so I can "'fit in' with the culture of Utah and impress my parents". Geez. I had to bite my tounge after that one haha. {Mom's note: If you know Sister Sedlacek, you know how true this is! haha} I was reminded that no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart of what is true. I prayed for charity and then shared my testimony. It ended up okay :) 

The subject line is a story from the week that I'll have to save for when I'm home! Hahahaha 

Thank you so much for all the amazing support. I love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
