The best thing about Ohio is that there's a Chick-Fil-A haha!

Hello everyone! 

I hope all is well for each of you. 

My week was great. It was full of fun and learning experiences.

We worked very hard this week and shared our testimonies with 140 people! There is nothing I love more than talking to Heavenly Father's children and sharing the restored gospel. We do most of our work on campus but finals ended on Friday so it's pretty dead. We ended up having to drop/refer most of the people we were working with because they moved home for the summer. That was kinda a bummer but the important thing is that they are still getting taught :) 

We do have a couple of solid people! 

One is named J. He was the very first person we talked to on Monday morning. We met him on campus and taught him on the spot. He was raised Catholic, but he isn't the biggest fan of that religion. He was very interested in learning more about ours, so we met with him the next day and taught him about the restoration. He loved it. The spirit was so strong as we testified of God's love for him and of the first vision. We extended the baptism invitation and he's on date for June 15th! He is very sincere and I am grateful for the chance to teach him. I always learn so much from those I teach and he is one that will teach me a lot! 

We are still working with our lil friend D. Please pray for him. His grandpa isn't the kindest person in the world and wouldn't let him come to church on Sunday. We need his permission for Damien to get baptized and are praying hard that his heart will soften! 

We also had a fun p-day. We went up to Toledo to check out the art museum. It was way cool! The best part about Ohio is that there's Chick-Fil-A haha. We stopped to get some waffle fries on our way home :) 

This week I found myself doing a lot of study from the Book of Mormon. I have been reading in Alma and this week I studied chapter 26. There are a couple things I want to share from the chapter. The first is verse 7. It says:  "Behold, they are in the hands of the Lord of the harvestand they are his; and he will raise them up at the last day. I love that verse! YOU are HIS and you are in HIS hands. 

The other verse that stood out to me was number 16. it says; "Therefore, let us gloryyea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercyand of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, say unto you, cannot say the smallest part which feel". 

The thing I learned from this verse is that its impossible for us to to thank the Lord for all that he does for us. We are too imperfect to even comprehend his love and all that he does. Just think about that?! He has so much love for us. Most of his work goes unnoticed and he continues to help. He is the greatest example of selfless service and I am thankful for him! 

I hope you all have an amazing week! 

Love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
