I finally have a companion who will go running with me!

Hi everyone!

My week had its challenges but it was great!

I'll start with the saddest news ever.... C decided that he doesn't want to get baptized. :( we went to see him on Tuesday and he said that he doesn't want to keep living the Law of chastity. He's been married and divorced 3 times and says that he is NEVER getting married again because he hates that way of life. It was really hard to hear. I have truly grown to love him and I just want him to experience the very thing that has brought me so much joy!! I know that one day he'll be ready. I'm still so grateful for the chance I've had to share my testimony with him, and to learn from him. He has helped my testimony to grow more than he knows!

We taught G this week and it was AWESOME! We focused the lesson on the reviewing the first half of the plan of salvation. We were talking about the fall of Adam and Eve so we shared 2 Nephi 2:24-25. After he read those verses and we explained, the light bulb turned on in his head. It was the coolest moment! The spirit testified to him that the fall of Adam and Eve was part of the plan. He is gaining a relationship with the Savior for the first time in his life. I never thought I would teach someone without a Christian background but it's been the best experience. They have the purest view of Jesus Christ and of what he can do for them.

We also have our friend N. She's the one from Ghana. I LOVE her! We are turning her over to the YSA sisters this week and I'm gonna miss her. I absolutely love hearing her testimony. She has a love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that is so pure. I have learned tons from her about what it means to have real intent. She is the very definition of the word sincere.

We also have L! Ahhh I love her. She moved from Detroit to Ypsi in January and she is so awesome. She has 10 grandkids and works as a security guard. She is on date for baptism!!! Her date is June 15th! We taught her the restoration the other day and it was a very special experience. The spirit instantly comes with the restoration but this time it was uniquely strong. She felt it in her heart for sure :')

J received the priesthood on Sunday and we are going to the temple on Tuesday for baptisms! I am so excited for him. He has some of the strongest faith I've ever seen in a person.

Also... WE WENT RUNNING! I finally have a companion who will run with me :') we woke up at 6 so that we would have more time and it was the best thing ever!!! I love it so much.

We found out this week that on June 1st we have a bunch of general authorities coming to speak to us and the Lansing mission in Ann Arbor!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED. Those in attendance will include a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, two other General Authority Seventy as well as an Area Seventy!!
We don't know the names of who it will be but I can't wait. I have the chance to sit at the feet of one of the 12 apostles as a missionary. What an amazing experience it will be!

This week I was thinking a lot about Joseph Smith. I am so incredibly grateful for him. Coming on a mission has opened the door for me to receive legit opposition every single day. But the opposition I receive doesn't even compare to what Joseph received. I can't imagine going through what he did.
One night this week I was watching the restoration movie to get pumped to teach it to L (pre-game training lol) and I want to share a quote from Joseph Smith. He said; "when we are accomplishing the most good, the greatest opposition comes"
I loved that!!! Opposition is a GOOD thing. Like it was said in conference; we are a peculiar people and that is a compliment.

We never have to be worried about standing alone because we never will be. When we are living gospel principles we are standing with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. There isn't 2 better people to stand with. 

I know without a doubt that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lords kingdom established on earth. I know that Joseph Smith was called of God. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know this is true because I have felt that it's true. 

I am forever grateful to have been born into a home where the gospel was at the center.

Have an amazing week!
Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek
