Goodbye Ann Arbor...Hello Bowling Green!

hello hello hello! 

Happy Mother's day to all you moms out there:) I hope it was an amazing day. I am grateful for all that you do! 

My week was crazy and wonderful! It was seriously so much fun I wish it was possible for you to watch it like a movie. 

Here are a few of the highlights:

-Sister Ashton left :( so sad. I'm gonna miss her lots but she will do great in Portugal! She left on Monday (3 days before transfers) so i was put back into the TRIO life. sister Ayala (my mtc comp) and sister Wood became my new comps. We lived it up and it was way fun. We also had some minor car problems to figure out and i am grateful for awesome Zone Leaders who helped us out all day. 

-We got transfer calls on Tuesday night. As you can see in the subject line... I GOT TRANSFERRED. man oh man. it was so hard to say goodbye to everyone i've met over the past nine months. Ann Arbor will forever hold a very special place in my heart. I am so grateful for the months I was able to spend there and for all of the things that I learned. On Wednesday, president does leadership calls. That night, I found out that I am going to be an STL {Sister Training Leader}. I am so humbled and grateful for the opportunity I have been given to serve! There is so much I need to learn from the missionaries around me and I'm excited! 

-My new area is in the wonderful state of... OHIO! a little town and campus called Bowling Green. It is so cute and I love it! My comp is Sister West. She is from England and shes been serving for 13 months. She is awesome and I love her! I am so excited for the next 6 weeks. We are going to see some amazing miracles! We cover both a family ward and a YSA branch. Both of them are awesome!

In the few days that I've been here, we had a baptism for someone who was taught in Cincinnati and have found 2 solid people to teach. One of which is named D and finding him was a huge miracle. 

We went tracting in a lil apartment complex. the first door we knocked, was opened by a mean old man who slammed the door in our faces. Rejection is an everyday thing so we brushed it off and kept going. About ten minutes later we see a younger looking kid come out of the "rejection" house. He apologized for the way his grandpa treated us and said that he wanted to learn more! We taught him on the spot and he came to church on Sunday. He said he loved Sacrament meeting! I am excited to keep teaching him and to invite to baptism this week.

The  other is a man named C. We met him last night as we were out tracting in a trailer park. We taught him on his porch in the rain. He said he would read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. We are going back on Thursday and I'm excited to see what happens. 

We are working very hard to find a family! Any prayers in our behalf would be much appreciated :) 

also prayers for us on bikes hahaha. that's not gonna be a sight for sore eyes.... 

This week my testimony that we are all members of Gods family was strengthened. Most families in the world at this time are torn apart. they are definitely not the ideal situation and that sucks. It is so sad to see! I have talked to many people this week who've had a tough home life... It was amazing to testify over and over again of God's love. We are all his children and we are all members of his family. Every human being has a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother who care about them deeply.  Each and every soul is PRECIOUS to our heavenly parents. Every human being deserves to know that. Always act in kindness and love. Pray for the eyes to see those around you like the Savior does. 

I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. Thank you for all the love and support! 

Prayers are coming your way! 

Love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
