Baby Number 4

Hello everyone! 

I had a good week! It went by super fast!! I can't believe that it's already almost JULY! 

Transfers happened.... Sister West moved on :( I will miss her because we had so much fun, but I'm excited for what's to come! I stayed in Bowling Green as the only Sister Training Leader, and I am training another new missionary! #babynumber4 Her name is Sister White. She is from Utah and she is awesome!! Holy crap, this girl has NO FEAR. She already jumps right into lessons. My mission posterity is going to grow with this one. She is going to train many new sisters! It's going to be a fun couple of transfers together. 

We have been working really hard and have done a crap ton of finding every single day. We have been blessed and Heavenly Father has given us miracles! 

On Monday evening we taught a lady named A. She is a mom to several young kids and has a very busy work schedule. She has visited many different churches and hasn't felt right about any of them. We taught her the restoration and it was awesome. My favorite thing is to ask people is whether they think we are in a dispensation or apostasy and why. A answered that question with the word "apostasy". The spirit was strong as we testified to her that we aren't in an apostasy, because we have a living prophet! She is very busy so it's hard to meet, but we have another lesson coming up this week and she said she would come to church! Please pray for her and her family!  

We also met a lady named L and her husband at Walmart this week. We taught them on the spot all about the Book of Mormon. We have another lesson scheduled for tomorrow. Please pray for them! 

One of the biggest miracles of the week was when we got a call from a sister in the ward. Her husband is not a member and hasn't ever wanted to join the church. She called us on Tuesday afternoon to talk about teaching her husband!!!!! this is a HUGE miracle because he has never taken the lessons before. We are teaching him tonight and it's going to be awesome :) 

This week was President Cleveland's last week in the mission. He goes home on Friday and President Sorensen gets here on Thursday. This is an exciting time to be serving here in the Michigan Detroit Mission! I have a testimony that president Sorensen has been called of God. I will miss the Clevelands SO much, but I know President Sorensen is exactly what we need right now. I know there are plenty of things I need to learn from him, and I'm super excited to meet both of them! They sound so wonderful!

This week I have been studying out of 3rd Nephi.  I absolutely love 3rd Nephi! It is filled with so many beautiful verses about the Savior and his teachings. One of my favorite chapters is number 17. In this chapter, Christ heals the people just as he did before he was crucified and resurrected. The account of him healing in this chapter is the first written account we have of him healing AFTER completing the atonement. Keep that in mind next time you study it I promise that it will open your eyes to the level of understanding and love that Christ has for you.

The happiness and joy He feels comes when we choose to follow Him. One of my favorite verses is number 20. it says; "And they arose from the earth, and he said unto them: Blessed are ye because of your faith. And now behold, my joy is full" Want to give Christ joy? Have faith in him and follow him!! He loves you and he wants to help you... How do we follow him? Chapter 27:21 gives us the answer. It says; "Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do;"  There are a lot of questions we don't have the answers to and a lot of things we may not understand, but I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father has given us everything we need to get back to him. When you choose Christ you are choosing to be happy and you are choosing eternal life.

Jesus Christ is our Savior and this is his church!

I hope you have an amazing week! 

Love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
