We had the cops called on us...

Hello everyone! 

I had a very fun week! I am so happy here in Bowling Green! 

Here are a few of my experiences: 

Remember K? I told you about him a couple of weeks ago. He's the one who bashed us and bagged on Utah the entire time. We went over to his house again this week and it turned into another bash session... definitely a very interesting experience haha. It got to the point where he was telling us that we "needed to admit our doubts that the church is true". As soon as those words came out of his mouth I said; "God has told me that the Book of Mormon and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are true. I  will not and cannot deny it."  The spirit completely overcame me! It shut him down pretty good and we left his house soon after.  Looking back, I am so grateful for the experience. It reminded me of my testimony in a very powerful way. I know without a doubt in my mind that the church is true!! I know its true because I have FELT its true. Nobody can take away a witness borne to your heart. 

K. She is wonderful and crazy haha! I took Sister Chico on exchanges this week and we were tracting in a trailer park. We decided to knock on one more door and we met K! She let us right into her home. We didn't have a whole ton of time, so we taught her a little bit about the Book of Mormon and showed her a cool video about the Savior. We set up another appointment for Saturday evening... We got there on Saturday and found out that she sincerely believes that she killed a terrorist... and some other crazy things. I love people. That was probably one of the craziest lessons I've ever taught (there's more to the story that I won't share). We are going back tonight because she committed to read and pray and we need to follow up. :) it will be interesting to see how it goes! 

Our friend M is doing amazing!!! She was having a tough time understanding English and we were finally able to get her a copy of the Book of Mormon in Arabic! We gave them to her on Saturday and it was a very special experience. As soon as she got her hands on them, her face LIT up! she was so happy and so excited to start reading. We taught her the restoration again and it was like the lightbulb went off in her head. She finally understood! she said that as soon as she gains a spiritual witness, that she will be baptized!! We should be able to put her on date for this coming week! Please pray for her husband! he is starting to have some doubt and fears about switching religions.  

We also had MLC (mission leadership conference) this week and it was so fun! We got to carpool with the Elders to Michigan and were at the meeting all day. I received some great revelation!! We talked a lot about the new mission president and I am so excited for him to get here! He is going to be exactly what the mission needs right now! 

We  took the Toledo sisters on exchanges this week and I got to spend the day with the wonderful Sister Chico! She is awesome and was only baptized 2 years ago!! I learned a ton from her and we had a super fun day!! 

We also got the cops called on us hahahaha. They showed up to the place we were tracting and basically told us to keep going because we weren't doing anything wrong. It was awesome. 

For my spiritual thought this week I want to invite you all to share the gospel! The church has created some awesome videos for the new "come and see, come and help, come and stay" initiative. Share them on your social media feed or send them in a text to your inactive or non member friends! Heavenly Father and the Savior need your help! I have heard each one of your testimonies and I know they are strong. The people around you will benefit from the words you share. Pray for missionary opportunities! people have been prepared to hear from your testimony.  Remember that you are bumping into scattered Israel every single day!!

I love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
