Happiest Place on Earth

Hello everyone! 

I remembered this morning that my 10 month mark is on Saturday. WHAT THE FREAK?! it's going by so dang fast and I am so sad. Mom, I love being a missionary so much! I wish i could open up my heart and just show you everything inside haha. the experiences i've had and the people I've met have just filled it up! Cheesy but true lol. sorry not sorry :) I am so looking forward to the next 8 months and all the wonderful experiences that lay ahead.   

My week was amazing!! Heavenly Father blessed us with 4 new people and a family to teach this week!!! I think that's the most people I've ever been blessed to find in one week. 

The first one is named V. Wow she's the cutest lady. She is from Cleveland and we met her in the Wal-mart parking lot! she was putting groceries away so we went and talked to her.  She was super receptive and immediately said yes to learning more. We taught her in Mcdonald's a few days later and it was a spirit-led lesson! It was a testimony to me that, as long as you are doing the right things, you can feel the spirit anywhere. We taught her about the restoration and she understood it super well. She is on date for June 29th!! 

We also picked up a lady named M and her family!! They are so amazing. They are Muslim. They have only lived in the states for a few years but they speak incredible English. In the Muslim faith, they don't believe Jesus to be the Son of God. They believe that he was a good man but that he was only a prophet. M and her husband are a RARE case, because they have strong faith in Christ. They believe that he IS the Son of God and that he suffered for them individually. I am not kidding when I say that they have more faith than some Christians I've met. They don't plan to leave the states, so we shouldn't have any problems baptizing them. They are definitely one of the biggest miracles I've seen on my mission. They are truly elect and wow God is so good. 

We also have a brother and sister that we are teaching. We found them when we were out tracting and then learned that they are formers. They were being taught about a year ago. They are both teenagers. They are so cute and are inviting their mom to join in on the next lesson!! They have a strong christian faith and I am excited to teach them again. 

I don't know how solid the other few people are just yet so i'll save their stories for next week :)

By Saturday night, none of our people had committed to come to church. I was super sad about that but still had faith. I prayed all night and all morning that somebody unexpected would show up to church. We show up to church, and all was normal. It was a beautiful fast and testimony meeting. I even had the opportunity to share mine :') At the end of the meeting a man came up to us. He was dressed in a suit so he looked just like a regular member. His name is E. He is being taught by missionaries in the Columbus area right now! He was in the area visiting his son and daughter in-law and wanted to come to church. He isn't somebody that we can teach, but I still consider it a miracle!! Heavenly Father answered my prayers. Somebody unexpected showed up to church. The best part was that... he wants us to teach his children! We gained some potentials and that was the cherry on top!     

This week I learned that this life is a SACRED experience. It is a time given to us to become more like our Heavenly Father. While on earth we are out of his physical presence, but that doesn't mean we aren't close to him. I believe that we may be closer to him here than we were in the pre-mortal life because we are more like him. we have knowledge and we also have our bodies! It's important to remind yourself everyday of the choice you made to follow/become like him a long time ago. He has given each of us specific gifts and talents because he LOVES us. It will be impossible for us to repay him for all does... The way to show gratitude is to use the gifts he has given you! Live everyday like you will see him tomorrow and you'll be prepared to enter his presence. 

I love you all!! 

Sister Sedlacek 
