A couple of the Elders taught me how to rope a cow--never thought I'd say that!

Hey guys!! 

I hope you had a fabulous week! 

I am doing really well. We had a lot of fun!! 

I passed my 17 month mark on Wednesday! It still seems so crazy to me. The time has flown. I'm also starting my last transfer this week! It'll be fun to find out what's happening!  

On Monday we had our district activity at the institute. It was super fun! A couple of Elders taught me how to rope a cow haha. Never thought I'd be able to say that! I love my district. It was great getting to know everyone better! :) 

On Friday we did the Book of Mormon experiment on U of M. For 3 hours we walked around in regular clothing. We didn't wear our name tags and we went by our first names (that was weird!!!). It was so much fun!! 

You'll have to look up the official video for the experiment on the church website because it's kinda hard to explain... just know that it was AWESOME. We met some amazing individuals who now have a correct understanding of the Book of Mormon. We found 12 new contacts. Hopefully they will progress!! 

Remember how we've been working a lot in Ypsi? Well there was some major miscommunication between the AP's and us. It's a super long and kinda funny story, but on Saturday we had to give half our teaching pool to the Elders. Haha it was a little sad, but I'm glad they are still being taught!! The Elders will do a good job with them!! 

We were officially back on campus this week and it was so fun!!! I missed campus so much. We met a lot of really cool people! 

I'll talk about one of them. A couple days ago we were walking around campus and we stopped a guy named J. We got to know him a little bit and and he was asking some really good questions! We set up an appointment and met on Tuesday. It was awesome!!! He doesn't have a relationship with Heavenly Father so we focused a lot on who he is and prayer. The spirit was so strong. He is coming to church this week and he's been reading the Book of Mormon.  I'm excited to see how he progresses! 

We've been doing a lot of member work and it's been fun! We went finding with T (a recent convert) and it was way cool. We met a really cool dude. At one point in our conversation we promised him blessings of peace and joy. He immediately said "wow. I really need those things" we are teaching him tonight and I'm excited about it!! 

I'll share a quick spiritual thought :) I've been reading in 3 Nephi and today I focused on chapter 17. This chapter includes the first recorded miracles performed by Christ after he completed His atonement. 

Verse 7 says; Have ye any that are sick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted IN ANY MANNER? Bring them hither and I will heal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy. 

I really loved that verse. Especially when it says "in any manner". It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. Everyone has challenges and hardships. Everyone needs to be healed!  I testify that Christ has the power to heal ALL wounds. He understands you perfectly. He knows exactly what you need. His favorite job is to help you. 

He is our Savior. I love him! 

Have a fantastic week!! 

love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
