"Whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself"

Hey hey hey!!!

HAPPY 2020!! I hope the new year is treating you well :)

My week was really really really good. I've been having so much fun!!! The joy is unreal.

On Tuesday we had a meeting for campus missionaries. It was awesome!! At that meeting president gave us some news. Every campus area now has a neighborhood!! We are going to be covering two wards... The YSA ward and the Ypsi ward. This is a change that I'm very happy about!! We have so much work to do here. If I stay, it's gonna make my last transfer a lot of fun.

The people we've been teaching are progressing right along. We had to refer them to other missionaries, but they are still being taught. One of them came to church yesterday.

Heavenly Father has continued to pour out the miracles!!! They just keep coming. I am so grateful.

On Saturday we didn't have a single lesson scheduled which meant that we had a day full of finding.
We decided to spend the day on the streets. We walked 11 miles and met the coolest people along the way! 

One person we met was a dude named T. We spoke with him at the bus stop. While talking, we discovered that his sister is a member! He's been searching for a purpose and the gospel holds the answers :) We had an awesome lesson and are teaching him again tonight.

Last night, we felt prompted to tract a specific apartment complex. While there, we met a couple of really amazing people. 

I'll tell you about AJ. After introducing ourselves, she told us about a book she read. It was centered on the life of Joseph Smith and she absolutely loved it. The book inspired her to read the Book of Mormon. She downloaded the app and has read all of 1st Nephi! She's never met with missionaries before, but she knows a lot about the church. She invited us to come back before we could extend the invitation!!

There are some other miracles I could share, but I'll leave it at that for today. We are having a district activity so I don't have as much time.

Here's one last lil spiritual thought :)
Today I studied in Helaman chapter 14. Verse 30 says; "And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free." 

I loved that verse because it was a great reminder! Agency is one of the greatest gifts. It shows how much Heavenly Father loves and trusts us. He expects us to act for ourselves. 

There is a video called "Wrong Roads" if you haven't seen it, I suggest watching it. It brings me a lot of peace. If you are going down the wrong path, he will let you know.
Heavenly Father is cheering us on. He really wants us to be successful.

Have a wonderful week!
Love you all!!!

Sister Sedlacek
